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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


I woke up in my bed. My head was pounding like crazy. I looked around my room, expecting to see water but I didn't. What happened yesterday? I looked at the time and it said 6:30. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Then I looked at myself in the mirror. "So im not a ghost," I said to myself.

I got into the shower after about 5 minutes of examining myself. The water sprung on to me, making me feel refreshed. A few seconds later though, something super weird happened. I grew a blue tail! I fell over in the bathtub and landed outside. The shower curtain came down along with the pole and fell onto of me. I grunted in pain.

I pushed the stuff off and looked down at me. Then I widened my eyes. "No, no, no," I said. A long blue tail had sprouted from my upper half. Is this how Chiron feels?

I tried to stand up but that didn't work so I ended up falling down again. I opened my bed room door and then crawled to my bed. Then I got my phone from the dresser and looked in my contacts. I had gotten Bella's number at the party. She insisted for some reason. It was after I was dared, I believe.

Once I found her name, I immediately hit the call button. It rang and rang and rang and rang and rang and rang until finally someone's voice came on. "Hello?" Bella asked.

"I...have...a...tail," I said, then I screamed, "I HAVE A TAIL!"

It took a while for her to answer. "Um...haha...uh." Then she hung up in my face. I gasped and threw my phone onto my bed. A few minutes later, someone opened the door to my room. I thought it was my mom or Paul but I was wrong. It was Bella.

"I have a tail!" I shouted at her.

"I can see that," she replied back. I groaned.

"Why do I have a tail?" I asked.

"Erm...cause you do?" she asked. I glared at her.

"The tail will go away if you make yourself dry," she said, "um...get on the bed and hide under the covers so your parents wont freak out." I looked at her and crossed my arms.

"Am I supposed to levitate myself?" I asked angrily.

"Yea sure," she replied.  

I glared at her and she smirked. She ended up helping me onto the bed and I hid under the covers. My mom wanted to get AWAY from supernatural stuff. I couldn't tell her about this. She may have a heart attack or break down crying or do something sad. Or she would be mad at me which I couldn't handle at the moment.

Bella disappeared into my bathroom to get a towel. Not even 10 seconds after she went in, someone knocked on my door. "Um, don't come in!" I yelled. Too late. Someone barged into the room. And I grinned so brightly I think the room lit up more. It was Annabeth.


Chiron made us leave earlier than we expected. We all boarded a plane, which Nico and Hazel were freaking out about and Jason and Thalia were just laughing. The plane ride was fun except for the constant yelling or whimpering coming from BOTH Hazel AND Nico. People looked at us as if we had come from another planet.

After the plane landed, Hazel and Nico ran out of the plan. Nico got down on the ground and started kissing the floor and saying home sweet home while everyone, again, looked at us weirdly. After that catastrophe, we all got into a car with Argus, the driver, and were sent to this huge house we apparently owned.

It was made by the gods so our rooms represented us. Sadly, there was no room for Percy though. The place was amazing. After a while of lounging around, I decided to go check on Percy. His mom let me up into her room while her and Paul went to the doctors office to see if the baby was a boy or girl.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now