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(A/N: Check out my other story called, "Percy and Piper Switch Bodies".)


I woke up to the sound of birds cawing and pain in every bone in my body. But, being the good kid that I am, stood up and got ready for school. I still had to meet with Annabeth and try to fix everything. Should I tell her about my tail? And what about those other mermaids? Then I started to think how brushing my teeth is the only time I clean my skeleton.

I took a bath this time and a few seconds later, I transformed into a merman. I sighed. I grabbed the towel and scrubbed my torso with soap. Then I hesitantly scrubbed my tail which took incredibly long. After a while, I scrubbed it off with water and then flapped out of the bath tub. This was going to get annoying, I thought.

I dried myself off by using my powers to remove the water from my body. After a while, my tail transformed back into my legs. How would I ever shave them in this condition? I sighed and put on a short sleeved blue t shirt, black shorts, and black shoes. put on some sunglasses and then looked at the time. 8:17. Im later then before.

I sprinted to school and ran into class. The teacher glared at me. "Is this going to be an everyday thing, Perseus?" he asked me.

"No sir," I replied. He looked up from his computer towards me and widend his eyes. Yea. I looked that bad, "Take a seat," he said, kind of in a daze.

I sat down in a chair in the very back of the room and took out a book that I wasn't going to read but was instead going to stare at and hope that everyone would look away from my bruised face. After a while of class, the bell rang. I turned in my work, which im sure I got a 79% on, and then exited the classroom. I immediately went to my locker, keeping my head down. When I got there and opened it up I felt hell punch me in the face. What actually happened was lemon juice sprouted from the locker onto my face. Everyone burst out laughing. I was close to tears. Lemon juice plus cuts equals unimaginable pain. I already knew who did it. Travis and Connor Stoll. They one day said they would prank me with lemons. I didn't know it would hurt this much.

That's when I remembered. Water plus me equals tail! Bella widened her eyes at me and mouthed "run". I took off down the halls, running for my life. I turned a corner and ran into womens restroom. Luckily for me, no one was there. Right when I shut the door, the transformation happened. I fell over as a tail sprouted from me. "Ugh," I said. I leaned against the door, keeping anyone and everyone out.

Then I made the juice come away from me and my legs came back. I sighed and walked out of the girls restroom. A girl with brown eyes looked at me with utter horror before slapping me in the face hard and walking into the restroom. Yea, probably deserved that. It stung like hell though. I saw Travis and Connor smiling at me, arms crossed. Yep. It was the Stoll's. That's when they stopped smiling and looked at my cuts. Before they could ask me anything, I walked away. No confrontation. I just needed to get to my next class and survive.

So I did make it to my next class. Which, to my surprise, Annabeth was in. I was about to sit down next to her when I remembered my face. Also, Randy, schools popular guy I guess, sat down next to her instead. She smiled at him, trying to make me jealous. Well guess what. IT WAS WORKING! I angrily walked over to a seat behind Bella.

"I hate this tail," I said, "take it back." She turned around to face me with an annoyed expression.

"How exactly do I do that?" she asked.

"Use your magical mermaid voodoo stuff on me," I replied. She glared at me.

"What happened to your face?" she asked.

"I fell down the stairs," I replied, which wasn't actually a full lie.

"Oh," she said, nodding, "and did these stairs have spikes on them?" I glared at her,

"Yea," I replied with a grin. She grinned back. "Why does your stairs have spikes?" she asked nicely.

"Keeps out the zombies," I replied. She smirked and turned back around. I grunted and leaned back in my seat.


I couldn't believe Percy. I was hurt and extremely mad. I ended up blurting it out to Piper in the living room and it eventually spread. The Stolls brothers decided to pull a prank on him, which I told them not to do, and they sprayed lemon juice on him. He took off running down the hallway for some reason.

I walked to class with Piper and we started talking to each other. That's when Percy came in. He had on sunglasses and for some reason had cuts on his face. He was about to sit down next to me when Randy sat down instead. To make him jealous, I smiled at Randy and we started talking. Percy angrily sat down behind the girl he cheated on me with. I could feel my fists clench.

Soon enough, class started. After a while the teacher called on Percy who had fallen asleep. We all turned around to face him. "Bella, would you please wake up Jackson?" the teacher asked politely. The girl I hated who's name was Bella shook him awake. He looked up and guiltily grinned.

"Glad to see you are now paying attention," the teacher said, "would you please tell me the answer to that problem and take off those ridiculous glasses." Percy sighed and took off the glasses. I widened my eyes. He had a black eye. I suddenly wanted to kill whoever caused that to him. Then I hated myself for thinking that.

"Um is the answer Lithium?" he asked. The teacher who was looking stunned before narrowed his eyes.

"This is a math problem, Mr. Jackson," he replied.

He blushed. "Um...its a number right?" he asked. The teacher sighed and threw down his chalk. "I give up," he said, walking out of class. The whole class laughed and Percy smirked. I couldn't help but smirk too. That's when our eyes met and he grinned at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and his grin turned to a frown. I turned around. Im done with Percy Jackson. Forever.

Percy Jackson and H2O Crossover (Completed...For Now)Where stories live. Discover now