I Hate Glue.. fr y'all

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This ain't a update but I got to vent about this situation because I'm mad. Aside from writing, I make stuff for people...that's my side hustle or whatever. So I basically decorated this mirror for my cousin that's going off to college. She told me her colors were peach, mint, and gray. I should've used hot glue like I did my aunt's mirror but my hot glue gun broke and I ain't got $$$$ right now to buy another one.... alright so, I decorate the mirror.. mind you, I ain't charge her for this because it's like a going away gift or whatever...

I put flowers and glitter and all that good stuff on it. I was on a rollll with. Got so good I had my DJ Quik blasting in the back ground, jammin and all that. Sometimes I don't pay attention to what I'm doing, so I grab the peach colored flower forgetting glue was already on it and the shit stuck to my damn hand.... 😐😐😐 I thought I could just simply pull it back off but that shit was stuck. So I started jumping up and down screaming "IT WON'T COME THE FUCK OFF!!" My sister runs in the living room and was like "What's wrong?!"

I raised my hand with the flower up there and she starts laughing... I looked at her like bitch😐😐

Then she stopped laughed and dragged me to the bathroom and ran my hand under some hot water. The flower came off after about 3 minutes but my skin was red. ☹ I ain't cry though.

But I went back going finishing the mirror and...  it happened again but it was a mint flower this time this about and hr after the first flower got stuck to me

Y'all I then later found on that glue was leaking out the tube, ain't pay no attention to it until my mama said "What's that shit on my floor" .... 😭😭 not even gon get into how bad she cussed me out

I got the mirror finished and gave it to my cousin last night.. She took the mirror but guess what she said y'all

"It's pretty. I do like it but the colors are wrong. Ima give this one to my roommate. Can you make me another one with blue, gray, and black.

😐😐😐😐😐😐 and that's where Ima end this story.

But I do have things to tell y'all about this.. 

I've been working to chapter to 13 and I'll post it sometime this week. I've been working on my other stories on and off during the weekend so hopefully I'll find time to post them. My mama calls me 24-7 to do stuff so I'm always getting distracted and I'm trynna get ready for this semester... I start back the 17th ☹ I ain't excited. But yeah, thanks for listening to me vent lmaooooo.... 😭😭 love y'all❤


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