Chapter 13

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Nicole sat on the edge of the bed, staring into space. She fucked up again. Her eyes traveled over to Keoni's body as a sigh left her lips. Keoni was fast asleep tangled up in the blankets because she was completely naked. 

"Fuck..." Nicole said to herself. She rubbed her hand across her face.

Getting up, she grabbed her shirt off the floor and pulled it over her head. She looked at Keoni sleeping again then paced out room.

As she walked downstairs, she heard a knock at the door.

She quickly when over and opened it.

"Hey, I left school early." Blakely came in and kissed her on the lips.

"H-hey babe! It's nice to see you!" Nicole closed the door behind her.

Blakely plopped down on the couch.

"What have you been doing all day? And your shirt is on backwards." She laughed then grabbed the tv remote off the table.

"Nothing, I just woke up not too long ago."

"It's 1:30.... So you slept all day?" She replied, flipping through the channels.

"Yeah.. I was tired."

"Damn, what you do lastnight? Fuck another bitch?"

Nicole eyes widen when Blakely said that.

"Oh no, why would I do that?" She laughed nervously and sat next to her.

"I know baby. I'm joking." Blakely laid her head in Nicole's lap.

"How was school?"

"It was okay."

As the two began to talk, Keoni came from downstairs naked.

"Nicole?" She said, looking over at her.

Nicole's head slowly turned around.

Blakely frowned then sat up. "Who else is......" Her voice trailed off when she saw Keoni.

Nicole looked at her then looked at Keoni.

Blakely then shot a look at Nicole.

"So this is what we're doing now??"

"Blakley!! Look, I can explain! See what had happened was.." Nicole really didn't know what to say at this point. She was caught. What a dumbass.

"You can have her ass. I don't wanna hear shit you gotta say bro. This bitch fuckin played you and you went right back to her? You stupid as hell but it's all good cause you'll be wanting me back. Just hope it ain't too late when you do. I'm out." Blakely hopped off the couch, going out the door.

"BLAKELY!!" Nicole tried to run after her but Keoni pulled her back.

"You don't need her. You got me."

"Bitch move!" Nicole pulled away from her and ran behind Blakely.

Blakely looked behind her and started running. She didn't wanna listen to Nicole. She was done. How could she do something like this to her??

Suddenly, there was a truck coming towards Blakley as she was running. She didn't pay it any mind but Nicole say it.

"BLAKELY!!" Nicole shouted.

Blakely gasped then froze when she was that truck in front of her.

"BLAKELY!!!" Nicole ran faster towards her but it was too late....

The truck hit Blakely dead on and her body fell to the grounded.

Nicole dropped to her knees and placed both of her hands on her head.

The Sunbeam bread truck ran over Blakely's entire body....


Nicole sat in the waiting room of the hospital, crying her eyes out. She knew that this was all her fault.

Aerka soon came in with her mother.

Rage grew inside of her when she saw Nicole.

"How the fuck could you let this shit happen to my sister?? If she dies, I swear ima kill you and everything fucking thing you love bro. That's a damn promise!"

Aerka was ready to jump on her but her mother held her back.

"Aerka, stop. It's not her fault."

"I tried to warn her... it's my fault. It really is my fault.. you don't understand."

Aerka's mother sat next to her and wiped the tears from her face.

"It's not your fault. Everything happens for a reason."

"Family of Blakely Oneyka??" The doctor came into the waiting room with a clipboard in his hand.

"That's us." Aerka said, pacing to him. "Is she okay?"

The doctor face became serious.

"We lose her on the way to the hospital...."

"WHAT?! NO! NO NOOOOO!!" Nicole screamed.

"But we were able to get her back. She bruised up pretty badly but thankfully she had no brain injuries. She's asleep right now but you guys can see her."

"Shut yo ass up!!" Aerka rolled her eyes at Nicole the looked at the doctor. "What's the room number?"

"233." The doctor replied.

"Let's go." Aerka grabbed her mother's hand.


Blakely was slipping peacefully in her hospital bed. Aerka rubbed her head gently then sighed.

"Her face is so bruised."

Nicole watched quietly. She was glad that Blakely was going to be okay.

"Did you see the man that was driving the Sunbeam truck??" Aerka asked, glaring at Nicole.

"No, it was so fast and he took off."

"That's a hit and run. We suing the fuck outta Sunbeam."

A nurse came in to check on Blakely. She was a short mixed woman with her hair cut like Halle Berry.

"How's she doing? Has she been up??" The nurse paced over to her bed side and started checking her vitals.

"No... She hasn't." Aerka's mother said in a sad tone.

"She should be up soon. By the way, the guy that hit her. He's here."

"Here, where?!" Aerka said, looking at the nurse.

"He's on the first floor. The doctor is talking to him. I think her said his name was Anthony Stilaho...."

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