Chapter 17

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*One year later*

Nicole took a quiet walk alone to clear her head. This past year mouth without Blakely were killing her but she knew she had to move on. She just wished that she had some parts of her. If only they could've worked things out. If only she never cheated to began with.

Now she had no one. Keoni turned around and moved to Europe with some rich guy she met online.

Nobody's heard from her since.

Anthony still worked for Sunbeam. As a matter of fact, Blakely didn't want to sue them. She knew that it was an accident. She didn't care about the money.

Of course, Areka was very upset about that.

Speaking of Areka, she actually found love again.... And you wouldn't guess who! Remember Reyie?? Yep. Turns out Reyie always liked her but didn't know how she felt about two studs dating eachother.

They're happy. All is well.

Nicole continued to walk until she saw a big crowd of people.

"What the hell is going?" She said to herself, walking closer.

There were two guards standing in front of the gate, trying to keep the people from getting in.

She paced into the crowd to see what was going on.

After moving and pushing past people, She finally made it to the front.

People kept yelling and cheering "BOneyk!! We love you!!"

"BOneyk??" Nicole said, looking confused. "What the hell is a BOneyk??"

Nicole turned to look at who was coming out the mansion and gasped.

"Blakely!!" She yelled.

Without even thinking, Nicole ran up the gate and started screaming.

"Blakely!! Over here!! It's Nicole! I miss you so much! I'm so sorry for what I did! Blakely!!"

Blakely took off her shades and stared a Nicole.

"Blakely! Say something!"

Geja came up next to Blakely and grabbed her hand.

"What're you looking at babe?"

Blakely turned to her and grinned.

"Oh nothing, just a crazy fan. Let's get out of here. I have a show in Paris and you have a runway to walk." She kissed her cheek then they both got into the limo.

Nicole's jaw dropped when she saw Geja get in the car with Blakely.

She started to pull and shake the large gate.


"Ma'am you're gonna have to move. This is not an open gate." The guard said, pushing Nicole back.

Nicole reached her hand out for the limo that was going the opposite direction.


Some people watched her while others ran to the other end to watch the limo leave.

"That woman is crazy." A man said, passing by her.

Nicole dropped to her knees. She couldn't believe what was happening to her.

Karma was really putting a fast one on her.

She sighed then decided to get up off the ground.

Before walking away, she looked back at the mansion. She was ashamed, beyond embarrassed by the whole situation.

Her heart still yearned for Blakely but Blakely's heart was closed off to her.

Her heart was no longer an open gate.

Nobody could just walk in freely and damage her like Nicole did.


Nicole crossed the street and started to make her way home. She felt a bit sick after being turned down by Blakely. Was this something she could quickly get over??

Turning the right corner, she was finally home. She slowly walked up the path because there was an unfamiliar car in the yard.

"Who the fuck??" She said, walking up closer.

The car door opened.

Nicole almost wanted to run the other way until she saw who got out of the car.

She froze in she spot as her heart began to melt.


Ava ran to her and smiled.

"I came back...for you. And I wanted to know something."

"What is it?" Nicole gazed at her then gave her a serious look.

Ava got down on one knee then opened a tiny black box.

"Will you marry me??"


And this is the end folks!! Yep. I purposely made this a cliffhanger.

Not An Open Gate.

What're you thoughts?? I really wanna hear them.

Did you expect the ending to be this way?

I originally wasn't going to include Ava in this story but people kept asking about her. So yeah.

I wanna thank everyone for all the love!!❤

I love you guys so much💕 And I mean that.

Thanks for sticking with me when I was going through hella shit. I still remember you guys words of encouragement. ❤❤❤❤

I don't think there will he a sequel to this. The season isn't right. Maybe later??

Anyways, thanks again. 😘 I love you.

PS: The next story I'll probably finish will be Supernal...2. So lookout for those updates.


-Chime X

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