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     The bus was going down the street, carrying students to hell, or what some people call school. Keith just happened to be one of those kids stuck on the bus. Keith didn't know anybody on the bus, so he sat alone in the front. The bus soon came to a halt in front of the school, and the students flooded off. Keith was one of the last people off, since he couldn't get through the line of people blocking the exit.

     Once Keith was off, he began analyzing the school. He had gotten a tour a little while ago, so he at least knew where his classes were. Though, Keith had no idea were Lance was, and he couldn't hang around Hunk or Pidge since he didn't even know what they looked like. Keith made eye contact with two people. One was a tall male, and the other was a girl, slightly shorter than the male. They began walking over to Keith, with smirks on their faces. Keith could tell that something was up.

     "Can I help you?" Keith asked, frowning a little.

     "Yeah" The boy said, grabbing Keith's wrist and dragging him to the side of the school.

     "What are you-" Keith began. Before he could finish his question, he was picked up by the throat. Keith tried to pull the boy's hand away, while thrashing around in his grasp.

     "This is pathetic" The girl scoffed, shaking her head. Her blonde hair swished around her head a little, before settling on her back and shoulders. The boy threw Keith onto the ground, and Keith tumbled a few feet away from his landing point. By now, Keith was wheezing, trying to regain air. "Hope that we never see you again" the girl said before walking off with the boy.

     Once Keith got his breath back, he steadied himself by using the school. Keith limped back out to the front, and saw a familiar brunette. "Hey Lance" Keith said. Lance turned around to face Keith. Lance's smile quickly disappeared once he saw Keith.

     "What happened to you?" Lance asked, running over to Keith. 

     "It's nothing, I'm fine" Keith said brushing it off.

     "Dude, your neck is red" Lance said, reaching out to touch the mark.

     "Like I said, I'm fine" Keith said, smacking his hand away. Keith began to shakily walk over to a rail to steady himself. Keith yelped in surprise as he was yanked back.

    "We're going to the nurse's office, I don't care what you say." Lance said, wrapping Keith's arm around his shoulder to help him walk inside. Keith just realized that there were two other people walking beside Lance. 'That must be Hunk and Pidge' Keith thought.

     Keith was in a lot of pain, but he refused to admit it. They had finally arrived to the nurse's office, and they had Keith seated on a couch. Lance was also in the room, waiting for the nurse. Keith had one of his hands on his side, the other gripping the couch. A nurse walked in, and immediately walked over to Keith.

     "I'm going to have you take your shirt off so I can look over your injuries." The nurse said. Keith nodded, and hesitantly pulled his shirt off. He bit his lip in pain as he raised his arms over his head. Keith set his shirt next him on the couch, and let the nurse examine his injuries. The nurse helped him stand up, and had him spin in a circle.

    Keith felt really awkward since he was basically showing off the giant scar on his back. He felt the nurse touch his scar, and was worried that she would ask about it. Luckily, she didn't say anything, and went to bandaging up his side. The nurse also wrapped some around his neck, since there was probably a bruise forming there.

     After a few more minutes, Keith was all bandaged up and ready to go. Keith pulled his shirt on, and turned to see a flustered Lance. "Ready to go?" Keith asked.

     "Oh, uh, yeah. Let's go to class!" Lance said, coming out of some trance. Lance helped Keith limp to class, which they were lucky enough to have together.

     "Lance and Keith, please explain why you are half an hour late to class." The teacher said.

     "Sorry about that, it was my fault. We had to take a trip to the nurse's office." Keith said. The teacher looked at Keith, and saw the bandages on his neck.

     "Take a seat next to Lance" He said, motioning an area in the back. Lance led the way, and pointed at a desk for Keith.

     "Well, since that's out of the way, you guys can do whatever." The teacher said.

     "This happens a lot by the way. Mr. Coran lets us do a lot of stuff whenever we want." Lance said, clearing Keith's confusion.

     "So, when we were in the nurse's office," Lance said. "There was a scar on your back. Do you mind telling me why?" Lance asked.

     "I'd rather not talk about that right now." Keith said, looking down at his desk.

     "That's fine, I was just curious" Lance said. Keith nodded his head, and began to chat with Lance.


That's all for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed!

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