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     "Pidge! Go get a teacher!" Lance ordered, beginning to peel the tape off of Keith's wrists.

     "On it!" Pidge yelled, running out of the closet. Hunk gently pulled the tape off of his mouth, and went to go pull the tape off of his feet. Pidge ran back with Mr. Shirogane, who was on the phone with someone, presumably an ambulance. Keith's eyes fluttered open, his vision blurry. It only took a matter of seconds for him to writhe around in agony. It was so hard for Lance to watch, so he didn't. He turned towards Hunk, and pulled him in for a big hug. Mr. Shirogane handed the phone to Pidge, as he knelt down to try and calm Keith down.

     Keith's eyes were glazed over in pain, and everything looked and sounded like he was underwater. "I need you kids to go wait outside of the school. Direct the medics over here when you find them." Mr. Shirogane ordered. Lance was the most hesitant to leave, but he quickly ran after Hunk. It was absolute torture for Lance to hear Keith's screams echoing around the school. Hunk had to refrain him from running back.

     The three students waited outside of the school, nervously waiting for the ambulance. Silent tears were going down Pidge and Hunk's faces, though they did sniffle quite a few times. Though, they were nowhere near as bad as Lance. He was full on sobbing, occasionally sniffling.

     Soon, the ambulance arrived, and they directed the medics to Keith. It didn't take long for them to be taking Keith out on a gurney. The three then quickly called their parents to come pick them up, while Mr. Shirogane called Donna and Kevin.


     Lance, Hunk, and Pidge were finally allowed access to go and see Keith. The three didn't know what to expect, but they were definitely expecting the worst. When they entered, they saw Keith laying on a hospital bed, his right leg suspended in the air, though you could still see the bone jutting out. "Hi Keith" Lance whispered, going over to his bedside. Keith turned his head over to look at Lance, and just that was enough to bring Lance to tears.

     There were bandages all over his nose, and a small patch on his lip. Keith's normal eye bags were even larger, and it was obvious that he hadn't eaten or slept since he got here. "Oh, heyyy guys" Keith said, mustering a smile. Keith was a little loopy from all the medication that he was at the moment.

     "Are you okay?" Pidge asked.

     "Betterrr than everrr" Keith said, dragging out his r's.

     "What are you even on?" Hunk asked, eyeing Keith.

     "I dunno. A sheit ton though. I think that's the stuff." Keith said, weakly raising his arm and pointing at a tray. It was filled with pill bottles, and one of those pill sorters was at the front of the tray.

     "I feel so bad for you" Hunk said.

     "Dun worry 'bout it! It was Nina and Rocko's fault." Keith slurred. "Or whatever the hell their names are"

     "Nyma and Rolo? I didn't think they would go that far, but apparently they would." Hunk hummed, deep in thought.

     "My parents came in here earlier" Keith said.

     "Donna and Kevin? That makes sense-" Lance began.

     "No, Donna and Kevin haven't been in here since yesterday. My real parents came in here to say hi to me." Keith said, his eyes wide. Hunk, Lance and Pidge shared worried glances. He was probably hallucinating. "They said that they miss me, and want me to go back to Korea. I told them that I couldn't, and then they left." Keith said.

     "Well, that's nice that they came to see you" Pidge said, going along with Keith.

     "Yeah, but the doctors said that I was crazy. I wanna go home, but they won't let me. I hate it here!" Keith complained.

     "What's so bad about this place?" Hunk asked.

     "They keep shoving milk in my face, the beds are uncomfortable, but it's not like I would be able to sleep anyways." Keith grumbled.

     "I'm just going to assume that this is the medication talking here" Hunk muttered.

     "Nope, it's not" Lance said, gaining Pidge and Hunk's attention. "He's lactose intolerant, and he has to be holding something for him to fall asleep."

     "Thank you! Someone gets it!" Keith said, throwing his hands up in emphasis. "But noo, the people are sitting here, shoving milk at me, claiming that it's going to make my broken leg heal faster or something. I'd prefer a slow healing leg and not dying, not a fast healing leg and suffering." Keith groaned. "Also, I'm tired as fuck"

     "Go to sleep" Lance said, searching through his bag.

     "How?" Keith asked.

     "I figured that you'd be having sleep issues, so I brought this." Lance said, pulling out a medium sized dog plush. Lance set it next to Keith, and watched in amusement as Keith immediately clung to it for dear life.

     "You are my ultimate savior" Keith said, his voice slightly muffled by the plush. It didn't take long for Keith to doze off, finally having the comfort of something to hold onto. Lance chuckled, and followed Pidge and Hunk out of his room.

     "When did you figure this out?" Pidge asked.

     "Not too long ago, maybe a few days ago." Lance said.

     "Well, I'm sure that your boyfriend really appreciated that." Pidge teased.

     "Boyfriend! We are not dating!" Lance argued.

     "It's obvious that you like him" Hunk said, stepping in.

     "Not you too!" Lance groaned.

     "I ship it" Pidge squealed.

     "Just a quick question, is it that obvious?" Lance asked.

     "Yup, but Keith is really oblivious. It might be obvious to us, but probably not to him." Hunk said.

     "You need to make it really obvious to him." Pidge said.

     "How do I do that?" Lance asked.

     "Learn as much about him as possible, and then do a bunch of fun activities with him. Kinda like a date." Pidge suggested.

     "Alright then" Lance hummed, thinking of possible dates.

     "It's official, Operation Klance is a go" Pidge smirked.

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