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     "Keith! Go lay back down!" Pidge grumbled, shoving Keith back onto the hospital cots.

     "Fuck naw, I refuse to have surgery" Keith argued, shoving against Pidge. Keith had to get surgery to fix his leg, since the bone was not only broken, but no longer in alignment.

     "Keith, please, this isn't getting you anywhere" Pidge groaned, laying on Keith to keep him down.

     "Excuse me, but Keith has to go in for surgery now." A nurse said. She came in, and picked Keith up, since he would just crawl out of a wheelchair. Keith proceeded to claw at anything in attempt to grab something. The nurse carried him into the operating room, and set him down on the table. She hastily injected some anesthesia into Keith's arm, which soon lulled Keith off into his own world.


     "Keith, how are you feeling?" Lance asked, rubbing Keith's hand. The only response that was given was a groan. "Keith, talk to me buddy" Lance begged, tightening his grip on Keith's hand.

     "I feel utterly betrayed, and really tipsy" Keith said, his head lolling towards Lance.

     "Why do you feel betrayed?" Lance asked, though he could already guess why.

     "So, I kinda like, hate needles, ya' know?" Keith slurred. Lance nodded his head, urging Keith on wards. "So like, I was being dragged off for surgery n' some shiz, and right then and there, my friends betrayed me. Like, they didn't even reach out to help me! And then the lady stabbed me, and then I died, I think." 

     Lance held back a chuckle at Keith's explaining. "Man, your friends suck" Lance said, holding back a laugh. 

     "I know! They let a crazy lady stab me with a needle, and then I died! They didn't even care that a psycho killer found me, dragged me off, injected me with some poison, and I died. I bet they're having a party for my death." Keith said. "Aw damnit, now I'm said. My friends are happy that I'm dead."

     "I'm sure that they miss you dearly" Lance assured.

     "Whatever you say. Imma go night-night now!" Keith exclaimed, smiling a little.

     "Okay, you have fun doing that" Lance chuckled. Moments later, Keith was already asleep, snuggled up to the plushie. Lance left Keith's room, and saw Hunk and Pidge in the waiting room.

     "About time! We were about to leave without you." Hunk joked.

     "Sorry, I just had to talk to a very tipsy Keith for a bit. I'm pretty sure that he thinks that he's dead." Lance chuckled.

     "Understandable, he did just have his leg ripped open." Pidge said, adjusting their glasses.

     "Way to make it sound worse" Hunk groaned.

     "My bad, I meant to say that it's understandable that Keith think's he's dead because he was put under, had his leg cut open, people pulling his leg open even more, moving his bones around, and adding metal poles through his leg for support. I completely understand Keith's state of mind." Pidge said, trying to gross Hunk out by a lot.

     "I think I just threw up in my mouth" Hunt groaned.

     "Oh, sorry. I meant to say-" Pidge began.

     "Nope, I'm not having any of that!" Lance ordered, shoving Pidge and Hunk out of the hospital. "I do not want to throw up my lunch" Lance said, getting in shotgun. Hunk got in the driver's seat, while Pidge moped around in the back.

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