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     The two awoke to Keith's phone ringing. Keith took a moment to blind himself with the brightness of his phone, before answering his phone. "안녕하세요?" Keith asked, his voice very groggy. "왜 나 한테 전화 해? 거의 3AM이야." Keith asked. Lance watched Keith furrowed his brows.

     "아니, 나는 한국으로 돌아 가지 않을거야." Keith growled. "아줌마, 그냥 내버려둬. 나는 미국에 여기있는 삶을 살고있다."

     "아줌마, 나와 논쟁하지 마라. 나는 몇 년 전에 미국에 왔습니다. 날 입양 할 기회가 있었어." Keith growled, crawling out of bed. By now, Keith was arguing with someone in Korean, though Lance couldn't identify what Keith was saying.

     "입 닥쳐!" Keith spat, before hanging up. Keith muttered a bit, before setting his phone down and cuddling back up against Lance.

     "What was that all about?" Lance asked, running his hands through Keith's hair.

     "My aunt wanted me to go back to Korea. Don't worry about it, she sucks ass and I wouldn't go back for her." Keith murmured, resting his forehead on Lance's chest.

     "Alrighty then. Night babe" Lance hummed.

     "Night" Keith replied, his arm around Lance's waist and legs tangled. It was a matter of seconds until Keith was out. The last thing that Lance was thinking about before he fell asleep again was how sexy Keith's voice was after he just woke up.


     "Morning boys" Cassandra chuckled, looking at the two.

     "Morning" Lance hummed, sitting at the table. Keith took his medication, before sitting next to Lance.

     "You two look awfully tired. What were you even doing up so late?" Cassandra asked, obviously hinting at something.

     "Just a surprise call from my aunt. She wants me to go back to Korea and live with her." Keith replied. Cassandra stiffened up, before letting out a small, 'oh'. "I'm not going back with her though because she is the worst, homophobic, prejudice, loathing woman I have ever met. She didn't take me in because I was gay, so I was flown to America cause of that. Thank God." Keith groaned, muttering the last part.

     "Well I'm glad that she was such a horrible person, or else we wouldn't have met you" Cassandra smiled.

     "Yeah, me too" Lance grinned.

     "You're a dork" Keith chuckled.

     "I understand Pidge completely" Cassandra laughed.

     "Not you too" Keith groaned. Cassandra mischievously smiled, acting innocent.


     "Keith, get your ass over here!" Lance yelled.

     "We're in a grocery store, is this really necessary?" Keith asked, walking over to his boyfriend. Lance slapped Keith's butt, earning an exasperated sigh from Keith. 

     "But seriously, I found something interesting." Lance said.

     "Lance, this is the frozen isle. Specifically the ice cream area. I can't eat anything here, what's so impor-" Keith began. Lance pulled out a container of ice cream, before Keith ripped it from his hands and set it in the cart. "Nevermind, we're getting it" Keith said, grabbing ahold of the cart and walking off.

     "Pfft, Keith, don't leave me!" Lance exclaimed, rushing after his boyfriend.

     "Dude, I can actually have ice cream! I'm flipping out" Keith exclaimed.

     "I didn't think you would get so excited over lactose-free ice cream." Lance chuckled.

     "Everyone seems to love ice cream, and I wanna know why!" Keith said.


     "If anyone in this house eats this ice cream, I will personally strangle you." Lance said, holding up Keith's ice cream.

     "Why?" Aila asked.

     "It's Keith's" Lance said.

     "Can't he just have normal ice cream?" Aila asked.

     "Ice cream has milk. This is magical ice cream, and it doesn't have milk in it." Lance exclaimed. "Keith! Come here for ice cream!" Lance called. Keith hopped off the couch and ran into the kitchen, his feet skidding on the ground. Lance chuckled, and handed Keith a bowl of ice cream.

     "It's so good!" Keith exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "Why did I go eighteen years without this?"

     "Dunno" Lance said, making sure to get his reaction on camera. Lance ended the video, and stole a little ice cream from Keith. "It tastes just like normal ice cream, just a little softer" Lance commented.

     "I am forever in your debt" Keith said, finishing his bowl of ice cream.

     "Repay me with your love" Lance grinned. Keith set his bowl in the sink, and kissed Lance, before pulling him in for a hug. "Ah, I feel so loved" Lance grinned.

     "You better" Keith hummed, his head resting on Lance's shoulders. This definitely wasn't your normal relationship, but who said it had to be?




안녕하세요 - Hello

왜 나 한테 전화 해? 거의 3AM이야 - Why are you calling me? It's almost 3AM

아니, 나는 한국으로 돌아 가지 않을거야 - No, I will not go back to Korea

아줌마, 그냥 내버려둬. 나는 미국에 여기있는 삶을 살고있다 - Auntie, just leave me alone. I have a life here in America

아줌마, 나와 논쟁하지 마라. 나는 몇 년 전에 미국에 왔습니다. 날 입양 할 기회가 있었어 - Auntie, don't argue with me. I came to America years ago. You had your chance to adopt me.

입 닥쳐! - Shut the hell up!

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