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     "When will we finally get to meet Keith?" Lance's mom asked.

     "Dunno, I'll see if he can come over anytime soon. And also, stop saying it like we're dating!" Lance exclaimed.

     "It's obvious that you like him. I say go for it." Lance's mom said.

     "He actually got out of the hospital a few weeks ago, I don't wanna push things." Lance said.

     "He just got out of the hospital? What happened?" Lance's mom asked.

     "I don't know how it happened, but I do know that his leg was fractured, and also shifted out of place. Honestly, it was horrible to watch." Lance shuddered, remembering Keith when they first found him.

     "That sounds terrible! I hope that he's okay!" Lance's mom exclaimed.

     "Oh yeah, he's fine. He has a funny walk, but he's fine. Keith is definitely something alright." Lance chuckled.

     "Well, if he's doing alright, text him and see if he wants to come over tomorrow." Lance's mom said.

     "Alright, he's typically free, so I'm not to worried." Lance said, pulling out his phone.

     Lancey-Lance: "Hey, can u come over 2morrow?"

     Keef-is-dying: "And fix your grammar? Sure, I'm free." 

     Lancey-Lance: "-.-"

     Lancey-Lance: "My grammar is just fine"

     Keef-is-dying: "Doesn't look like it to me" 

     Lancey-Lance: "Whatever. See you tomorrow"

     Keef-is-dying: "Alright. Thank you for typing 'you' and not 'u'."

     Lancey-Lance: "u"

     Keef-is-dying: "I hate you"

     Lancey-Lance: "You know you love meeee!"

     'Keef-is-dying has left the chat'

     "Yeah, he can come over tomorrow."  Lance said, putting his phone away.

     "Great!" Lance's mom exclaimed before running off.


     Lance walked outside to greet Keith, who had just hopped off his motorcycle. "Hello Keith!" Lance exclaimed, smiling a bit.

     "Hello Lance" Keith said, setting his helmet in his compartment. Lance walked by Keith's side, his weird hop-step becoming normal.

     "Hello! You must be Keith! I'm Cassandra!" Lance's mom said, holding back a few young children.

     "Yeah, that would be me. Nice to meet you Cassandra." Keith said. Cassandra and Keith quickly shook hands, before Keith was tackled to the floor by children. There were two familiar faces, but the rest were unidentified.

     "Kids! Get off of Keith!" Cassandra scolded. The kids grumbled, but climbed off of Keith. Lance helped Keith up, and began walking over to the couch.

     "What do you wanna do?" Lance asked. Before Keith could respond, Lance's siblings were at Keith's feet.

     "Why do you walk so funny?"

     "Are you and Lance dating?"

     "Why are you wearing black in Arizona?"

     "Who are you?"

     Keith was taken aback by all the questions, but tried to answer them the best he could. "Lance and I are just friends, I wear black because I can, and I am Keith." Keith answered.

     "What about the way you walk?" Aila asked.

     "Well, I was in a freak accident. I was in the hospital for a while, and had to get surgery. So, the metal rods in my leg might have something to do with it." Keith answered.

     "Can you touch the metal rods?" A young girl asked.

     "They go through my bones, so probably not." Keith said. Lance handed Keith a controller, and put in 'Mario Kart'.

     "Lance is really good, are you sure that you can beat him?" A boy asked.

     "I have my chances. Plus, I can beat him in real life if all else fails." Keith joked. The game quickly started up. Lance and Keith picked their characters. The two boys got to pick two rounds each, no matter what the other person did.

     "Ready Lance?" Keith asked, waiting for the round to start.

     "You know it" Lance smirked. The round started, and Keith was in the back. "Haha, you can suck it Keith!" Lance hooted, speeding into first. Keith smirked, and pressed 'b'. Luckily, Keith had gotten a rocket, and was now in third place.

     "Really now? I don't go down easy." Keith smirked as he hit Lance with a turtle shell and moved into first. Keith crossed the finish line, and grinned at his win.


     "Well, I best get going home." Keith said, getting off the couch. Keith was soon on his way home, leaving Lance and his mother to talk.

     "I think that he's a good match for you" Cassandra said.

     "Mama!" Lance exclaimed, blushing a little.

     "Don't deny it, I saw the way that you looked at him." Cassandra said, waving a finger at Lance.

     "W-what are you talking about? Besides, he probably wouldn't like me back!" Lance exclaimed.

     "Slowly make it known. Be a bit more flirty and more affectionate towards him." Cassandra suggested.

     "Mama, Keith's pretty oblivious to things like that." Lance pointed out.

     "Well, work your way up to being affectionate towards him, and then start asking about how he feels about relationships. It's best that you have his input. Also ask about any love interests that he may have." Cassandra said.

     "Alright, I best get to bed. I'll talk to him tomorrow at school." Lance said, heading up to his room.

     "Go get him tiger" Cassandra said. Lance closed his door with a smirk, and went to bed. Tomorrow was an interesting day, that's for sure.

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