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     "Yes motherfucker!" Keith yelled, running out of the hospital.

     "Keith, wait up!" Lance yelled. Keith had finally gotten his cast off, and was obviously very happy about it. Keith slowed down for Lance, allowing him to catch up. "You can run," Lance huffed, "-surprisingly fast for such short legs."

     "Never mind, I'm leaving you behind" Keith said, hopping on his motorcycle.

     "Keith no!" Lance yelled, grabbing Keith's shoulder.

     "Fine, hop on" Keith chuckled, allowing Lance on.

     "Thank you! I though I was gonna have to walk home, and it's a bijillion degrees out!" Lance groaned, resting his head on Keith's shoulder.

     "If it was a bijillion degrees, we'd be dead" Keith stated.

     "Okay, you have a point" Lance smiled, giving Keith a small hug as Keith drove out of the parking lot.

     "Ew, look at those two gays" A lady said to her husband. Keith slowed down next to the lady, before speaking.

     "Ew, look at those two heteros" Keith said, mimicking the lady and turning to face Lance. Keith then proceeded to drive away.

     "K-Keith! That was amazing!" Lance laughed.

     "I can't stand people like that, so I had to do something!" Keith chuckled. Lance buried his face in Keith's back, though Keith could feel Lance's body shaking with laughter.


     "You are the most disgusting thing on the face of the Earth!" A man yelled, pointing his finger at Keith. Keith blew out some smoke, and turned towards the man.

     "Really? I could have sworn that you are on Earth! And if I am the most disgusting thing on Earth, then why does my boyfriend love me?" Keith asked.

     "Because you're both fags!" The man yelled.

     "Listen here" Keith growled, grabbing the man by his shirt collar. "Insult me as much as you god damn please, but the moment that you drag my boyfriend into this, then we're gonna have a problem."

     "What about your parents? What does you're mom and dad think about you being a fag?" The man asked.

     "Dead people tell no tales." Keith replied.

     "Just get away from me!" The man yelled, shoving Keith back.

     "Gladly" Keith said, blowing smoke into the man's face, before heading home. Keith needed to go on a walk to clear his mind.

     "Keith, you're okay!" Lance exclaimed, running out of the garage to hug Keith.

     "Yeah, sorry that I went without saying anything. I just needed to clear my head." Keith said, rubbing his nape.

     "Why were you gone for so long?" Lance asked.

     "Ran into a homophobe" Keith stated, sticking his cigarette into his mouth.

     "And why are you smoking?" Lance asked, raising a brow at Keith.

     "Dunno, just ended up smoking." Keith shrugged, blowing smoke out of his mouth.

     "Couldn't you vape? Isn't that safer of something?" Lance asked.

     "Do you have any idea how expensive anything is nowadays? And no, not really." Keith stated.

     "Fair point" Lance said. "I'm just worried about you."

     "And I appreciate the concern, but you need to worry about yourself too." Keith reminded.

     "I do worry about myself! It's just, you're life is so much harder than mine, and I feel-" Lance began

     "Shut up, I don't need your pity" Keith chuckled. "Besides, if my life was that bad, I would have skipped my meds and jumped a long time ago."

     "Not very reassuring, but okay" Lance hummed.

     "Tch" Keith huffed. "Let's just get some sleep."

     "Alright, sounds like a plan" Lance agreed.


     "I'm Lance, and I have to spend three decades in the bathroom so I look nice" Keith imitated. Currently, the group was imitating each other, and it was rather funny.

     "I'm Keith, and I'm so emo! I do depressing things so I can be even more emo!" Hunk imitated.

     "I'm Hunk, and I look like a cinnamon roll, but I'm actually a jerk to my friends!" Keith huffed, getting a small snort out of Lance.

     "I'm Pidge, and I'm going to fuck a robot and marry a robot" Lance joked.

     "I'm Lance, and I suck dick" Pidge fired back.

     "I'm Lance, and I'm loyal to my boyfriends dick" Lance said, imitating himself.

     "Lance, a few things. One, you've never been near my dick, at least, to my knowledge. Two, I'm now banning you from my junk. Three, dude what the fuck!" Keith protested, trying to hide the blush on his face.

     "Ooh, Keith's flustered" Pidge teased.

     "Well I'm sorry that it's really weird to talk about your boyfriend sucking your dick!" Keith yelped, throwing his hands in the air.

     "Point taken" Pidge said. "I'm Keith, and I keep a razor in my bag to look super emo. I've used it before too because I'm emo." Pidge chuckled.

     Everyone laughed except Keith, who was frozen. "Pidge, do you have some sort of psychic abilities or something?" Keith asked.

     "Uh, no. What's that supposed to mean?" Pidge asked. "Keith, I swear to god, are you cutting?"

     "No! That was a thing of the past, and it's been a while, and I didn't mean-" Keith rambled, tearing up.

     "Show me" Lance interrupted.

     "Huh?" Keith whispered, the small noise barely audible.

     "Show me" Lance repeated. Keith opened his mouth to protest, but closed his mouth, knowing that fighting back would get him nowhere. Keith rolled up his sleeves, and held his arms out. Lance didn't understand why Keith would cut. Lance was hoping that the cuts were the small scratches on Keith's arms, but when he turned his arms so that his palms were up, he wanted to cry. Scars littered his arms, cluttered around his veins.

    Hunk attempted to wipe the tears off of his face, while Pidge was making no effort to wipe their tears. Pidge and Lance were just holding Keith's hands. "If it helps, I stopped cutting because of you guys." Keith whispered, avoiding everyone's eyes.

     "B-but we could have been there sooner!" Lance wailed.

     "I was in Texas earlier. You didn't even know that I existed before we met." Keith said.

     "But I should've-" Lance began.

     "I don't wanna hear it Lance. Stop thinking like that. Because of you guys, I'm much better than I was before I moved here." Keith replied, pulling his arm away from Lance and ruffling his hair. Lance looked at Keith with his bright eyes, filled with tears. "Don't cry, it's not like I'm on my deathbed"

     "Y-yeah, you're right" Lance said, smiling a little and wiping his tears.

     "Good" Keith grinned. Just that small action managed to cheer the teens up.

     "Hey dorks, there's a pride festival this weekend. Wanna go?" Hunk asked, sniffling a little.

     "Pride and shit-talking shitty people? Now you're talking my language." Keith joked. Everyone got a good laugh, and smiled. Keith was glad that he could spend his first pride event with close friends and his boyfriend.

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