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     Keith walked over to Lance's phone, which was emitting sounds of Gordon Ramsay swearing, and answered it. "Hello?" Keith questioned.

     "Hey Keith, can you hand the phone to Lance?" Hunk asked.

     "Sorry, he's sick right now. I can take a message if you want." Keith said.

     "Aw, poor Lance! I was just wondering if he could come to me house and take his shoes home. He left them here a few months ago, but he keeps forgetting to come get them." Hunk sighed.

     "Alright, I'll remind him when he's feeling better" Keith chuckled.

     "Don't let Lance get you sick too" Hunk warned.

     "Hunk, it's inevitable. I'm not sleeping on the couch, floor, or with anyone else. If I get sick, then it's my problem." Keith said.

     "Well, I wish you the best of luck then" Hunk sighed. "Bye dude"

     "Thanks, I'm gonna need it. And bye to you as well." Keith said. There was a moment of silence, before Hunk hung up. Keith set Lance's phone aside, and walked into their bedroom. Keith settled on their bed, looking at Lance. "How're you feeling?" Keith hummed, petting Lance's hair.

     "Better with you" Lance said, a small smirk dancing on his lips.

     "You never quit, do you?" Keith sighed, looking at Lance.

     "Never" Lance grinned. Keith sighed, before laying next to Lance.

     "Don't sleep with me! I don't want you to get sick!" Lance wailed, trying to shove Keith away. It was no use, because Keith just clung to Lance.

     "If I get sick, then at least I can suffer with you" Keith hummed, his breath tickling Lance's bare chest.

     "Then let's be sick together" Lance mumbled, burying his head in Keith's hair.

     "Sounds like a plan" Keith grinned.

     "Stop! That tickles!" Lance giggled, shying away from Keith.

     "What? Doing this?" Keith asked, blowing on Lance's chest. Lance giggled, and crossed his arms over his chest.

     "Yes, doing that" Lance replied.

     "Well sorry that I have to breathe" Keith said, snuggling back up to Lance.

     "You could put your head on my shoulder" Lance suggested.

     "I could, but you're cute when you laugh" Keith replied.

     "Well I'm sick, and I wanna sleep" Lance protested. Keith grumbled, before resting his head on Lance's shoulder.

     "Your hair smells good" Lance complimented.

     "Thanks?" Keith questioned. "I'm not sniffing your hair to give a response"

     "You don't need to. I already know that I'm perfect." Lance grinned.

     "Nobody's perfect, not even the handsomest, flirtiest boy in the world" Keith hummed, obviously half asleep.

     "How so?" Lance asked, curious about what his boyfriend disliked about him.

     "You're too fucking gorgeous and I can't take it" Keith mumbled. "You also make mistakes like every other human, and overly flirty sometimes"

     "I'll keep that in mind" Lance hummed. It luckily wasn't as bad as he had thought, so that was nice. Though Lance couldn't sleep, Keith was already out. Lance played with Keith's hair, making a few small braids in it. Keith might complain a bit in the morning, but he'd most likely leave them in.

     "Mmm" Keith hummed, snuggling closer to Lance. Lance chuckled, and rubbed Keith's back. It didn't take long for Lance to drift off.


     "Ngh" Lance groaned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Keith wasn't in bed with him, rather sprawled out on the floor with an arm on his forehead.

     "Morning sleepyhead" Keith grunted, peering up at Lance from under his arm.

     "You have a fever now I'm assuming" Lance said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

     "It was inevitable" Keith shrugged.

     "Just make sure to not get anyone else sick" Lance warned. "With the size of this house, it seems like illnesses never go away."

     "I'll keep that in mind" Keith hummed, sitting up. It was only just now that Lance realized that Keith was close to naked.

     "What happened to your clothes?" Lance asked, taking a brief glance at Keith's boxers.

     "I took them off. Now stop staring at me you weirdo." Keith chuckled.

     "I will never stop staring at you!" Lance grinned. "You're too handsome to look away." In moments, Keith's face went from very pale to a bright pink.

     "Lance!" Keith yelped, hiding his face in his hands. Lance chuckled, before crawling onto the floor next to Keith.

     "I now see why you are down here" Lance hummed, sprawling out.

     "The air is on, and the floor is already cold. Perfect for cooling down feverish people." Keith hummed.

     "I wanna go back to sleep" Lance sighed.

     "Then go back to sleep. Nobody's stopping you." Keith said.

     "Alright, see you later" Lance hummed.

     "Mkay" Keith hummed.

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