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     Lance was waiting for Keith in the waiting room. It was taking an awfully long time for Keith to come out, and Lance was getting worried. Keith should have been out hours ago! 

     After about another half an hour of waiting, Keith finally arrived in the waiting room. Though, there were three minor problems. One, Keith had a cast around his leg, going down to cover his foot. Two, he was in a wheel chair. Three, he was unconscious. "Lance McClain?" The nurse asked. Lance waved his hand and walked over to the nurse. "We had to make some adjustments, so he won't be able to walk for the next few weeks.

     "Alright, I'll make sure to keep an eye on him." Lance assured. Lance opted to carrying Keith into the car, and drove home, Keith not reacting at all.

     "We're home!" Lance yelled, carrying Keith into the house.

     "You guys are home awfully late. What happened?" Cassandra asked, looking up from the table.

     "Keith had to get adjustments, so he's still out." Lance stated.

     "Ow" Cassandra cringed. "That poor boy has been through so much."

     "I can't help but feel bad for him" Lance said, setting his boyfriend on the couch.

     "I agree with you on that" Cassandra stated, before yelling for everybody to come for dinner. Lance quickly sat down at the table and waited for everybody else.


     Lance glanced over at Keith when he heard coughing. "Finally, you're up!" Lance exclaimed.

     "Nice to see you too. What even happened?" Keith asked.

     "You had to get adjustments, so you now have a cast." Lance explained.

     "And I was just getting the hang of walking too" Keith groaned.

     "Sorry Keef, not much that I can do." Lance shrugged.

     Quiche: "Guess who can't walk again!"

     'Quiche has attached a photo'

     Pidgey: "Nuuuu!"

     Gordon-Ramsay: "How'd this happen?"

     Quiche: "Surgery again"

     Gordon-Ramsay: "Poor Keef"

     Quiche: "They also shoved milk into my face. I almost threw up."

     Pidgey: "Aww nuu! The pure boy almost got sick!"

     Quiche: "I gotta go. I feel like crap."

     Keith leaned his head back on the couch and groaned. His stomach hurt, so he was guessing that he was either sick, or he the hospital probably shoved milk down his throat. "Are you okay?" Lance asked.

     "I wanna die" Kieth groaned, wrapping his arms around his stomach.

     "Why? What's going on?" Lance asked, crouching in front of Keith and resting a hand on his shoulder.

     "It hurts" Keith whimpered.

     "Shh, you'll be okay." Lance whispered, before picking Keith up and carrying him up to Lance's room. Lance set him on the bed, and draped his arm over him. It had become a habit to just sleep in their clothes, since they always seemed so tired. Lance passed out in a matter of minutes, but Keith couldn't fall asleep. He kept tossing and turning, before finally getting out of bed and heading into Lance's bathroom. Keith quickly ran over to the toilet, and emptied his stomach.

     Keith sat there for a while, holding his stomach and emptying his stomach. Keith was so tired, but he refused to go back to bed. Something told Keith that this would be a long night.


     When Lance awoke, Keith was gone. Lance searched for Keith, before noticing the slightly ajar door. Lance pushed it open, and saw Keith sitting in the bathroom. "Keith? Are you okay?" Lance asked.

     "No" Keith murmured.

     "What's wrong?" Lance asked.

     "My stomach hurts. I've been throwing up for the past few hours." Keith admitted.

     "I'm calling Pidge and Hunk. This is an emergency!" Lance yelled. Lance quickly ran off go and call Pidge and Hunk. Keith just stayed in the bathroom, regretting a lot of things. The main thing would be going to the hospital.

     Keith could hear a door being thrown open, and footsteps running upstairs. "Where is the child?" Pidge called, almost yelling.

     "Dying" Keith answered, his head on his knees. Soon enough, Pidge appeared in the bthroom and was sitting next to Keith.

     "Lance told us that you got sick last night" Pidge said, their lower lip slightly trembling.

     "Yeah, I bet the nurses poured milk down my throat or something. They aren't the best hospital, but they're close and cheap." Keith shrugged.

     "Come on, let's go you to bed" Pidge said, tugging on Keith's arm.

     "I don't wanna get up" Keith groaned, leaning his head back. Hunk ended up coming into the bathroom and carrying Keith's frail body into Lance's bedroom.

     "Now get some sleep." Hunk said, patting Keith's shoulder.

     "Okay, I will" Keith assured, giving a small smile. Pidge's heart melted a little, but was forced to leave due to Lance shoving the two out of his room.

     "Give my boyfriend some time to sleep, jeez." Lance joked.

     "Boyfriend?" Hunk exclaimed.

     "Yeah, I have a boyfriend. Jealous?" Lance taunted.

     "I'm asexual" Pidge shrugged.

     "And I have Shay" Hunk said. Lance huffed, and held his head high. He was still proud, even if Pidge and Hunk weren't impressed.

     "That aside, congrats! I hoped that this would happen. You guys are like the perfect match." Pidge grinned.

     "Thanks Pigeon, I appreciate it." Lance chuckled.

     "No problem sharp shooter, no problem."

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