First Lesson and First Friends

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Okay so this chapter came out earlier than I thought it would because im super lazy most of the time and can't be bothered to do most things but anyway I hope you enjoy!

Nya's POV
"See ya, Jay, I'll try to find you at lunch maybe?" That's all I managed to say before I got dragged away by Kai into the school building.

"Kai, stop dragging me, I am perfectly capable walking to the principal's office on my own" I say to him, shaking his grip from my wrist. I know he's pretty overprotective of me, but that doesn't mean I can't make friends with a guy.

"Im sorry Nya, I just....." He said trailing off. He sighed turning to look me in the eye, "I just don't want you getting your heart broken like before. Ever since our parents left us-"

"I know, you feel responsible of me," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder in understanding, "but if i'm willing to put myself out there again, then you should let me"

"I know" He says, pulling me in for a big brotherly hug. "Im sorry,"

"You don't need to apologize, I love you for looking out for me but i'm 16 now, I can look after myself," I say, pulling away from the hug and smiling up at him, "Even the dreams- well nightmares, I've been having are getting more bearable"

Recently I've been having reoccurring dreams which involves me walking down a long passageway and entering a big blue and red room, where all of a sudden it begins to flood with water. But for some unknowing reason, it doesn't hurt me, and although it should drown me, i'm can still breath. I know it's just a dream, but it feels so real.

Kai sighed again, "I guess I just have to let go sometimes" He gives me a really goofy smile and I can't help but laugh.

After our sibling chat, we started to walk the rest of the way to the headmasters office. It was quiet between us, but not an awkward quiet, just one where the silence is comfortable. After five minutes of trying to locate the office, we finally stumbled upon it. The door looked old and almost as if it was going to fall off at the slightest touch, which was buzzard considering how nice the rest of the school was. It had a semi-transparent window on the top half and just below it, it had a gold plaque that reads: Sensi Wu - Please Knock And Wait To Be Asked In. Kai looks at me and shrugs before knocking three times.

"Come In" An old voice calls from the other side of the door. Kai turns the knob and pulls the door open before gesturing for me to go in first. "Ahhhh, the Smith siblings. Umm... Nya right? And you must be Kai?"

"Yes" Me and Kai say simultaneously.

"It's very nice to meet you too in person, your previous school has told me much about you too, please take a seat, we have some things to discuss before second lesson starts." He said stroking his long white beard. He was wearing a white robe with gold outlines, and upon his head, he had a big hat on, which I presumed was to hide the lack of hair on his head.

Me and Kai look at each other before taking a seat in front of the old man's desk. I couldn't help but admire how neat and tidy his surface was, all his pencils and pens were neatly in line, his piles of papers stacked like one big cube, his massive globe was all in line with longitude and latitude and in the centre being Ninjago High School. His cupboards behind him were all organised in height order and everything from the surfaces of his desks to the limited pictures hung around the walls, had a certain shine to it, almost as if was polished twice every day. It was just so tidy.

"In front of you, you will find your timetables, locker combination and number, as well as your library and lunch pass" He said, gearing to the small pile of school supplies in front of us. "Also, as part of our learning program, you both must pick a.... extra activity if you will. It just boosts our schools ratings and gets us extra credit. There are multiple choices for you to make but unfortunately, due to limited availability and you two joining a few weeks after everybody else, once the choice is made there is no changing. You see every subject is already over-booked, so it'll be a faf if you want to change again. Do I make my self clear?"

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