The Light Temple

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Quick AN // Thank you to all the people who voted, the winner is..................

Number 2! So I'll be changing it after this chapter is published, thanks again to all those who voted!!

Lloyds POV

"Where the hell are we going to get a boat from?" Jay asked, staring out towards the ocean. We had just arrived at the west beach, which was the shortest crossing to the dark island, and totally misinterpreted the equipment needed to cross the ocean. A boat.

"We could swim?" Cole asked questionably.

"Hell no! I. CAN'T. SWIM!" Kai shouted. He was about ten meters back from the sea shore, while the rest of us were right up close to it, letting the cool water tickle our feet.

"Well, how else are we going to get across?" I asked, looking at the horizon.

"I don't know, but no way am I touching that" Kai said, taking another step back and pointing towards the water.

"Could we make a boat?" Nya suggested.

"Well, how long would that take?" I asked her.

"Properly a few days, maybe more." She shrugged.

"That's time we don't have....." I sighed.

"Hey! Why don't we just use that!" Jay said, pointing towards an old boat, lying on is side just behind some nearby bushes. I can't believe we didn't see it earlier.

"That could work" Seliel said.

"Okay, Kai, Cole, Zane, Jay and me will lift the boat into the sea, as we do, can you girls find anything to use as oars." I ordered- I mean, asked.

Everyone nodded as me and the guys went over to the old boat. Me and Cole took one side and Kai and Jay took the other, while Zane took the front and guided it forward. It was heavier than it looked and I began to wonder if it'll ever float. We gently touched it into the water and I gave a silent cheer to the fact it stays adrift.

"AHHHHHH!" Kai screamed.

"What? What happened!" Jay asked worriedly.

"It touched me!" He shouted, pointing at the ocean. I facepalmed.

"This is going to be a long trip" Cole sighed.

A few minuets later, (when we had finally calmed Kai down) the girls came back from the forest, carrying loads of items.

"Okay, so we found some big leaves, bamboo, and vines to tie stuff with" Trini said plopping all the items on the floor.

"Cool, now you can start to make the oars" Cole said sarcastically.

"Okay, Okay, geez.....!" Seliel rolled her eyes but smirked at him, whilst picking up the items that were dumped on the floor.

An hour later we had finished all of the boat preparations, including fixing a hole in the back, and was about to set sail. I looked around at my friends, they wore confident faces with a hint of excitement and fear. But in Kai's case, he wore all fear.

He timidity stepped into the boat along with everyone else, and started to fill up the seats.

"Okay, we all ready?" I asked

There was a chorus of yes's and yeah's. There was even one 'no' amongst them, but I didn't need to be told who that was.

"Okay, lets go!" Jay shouted happily, grabbing an oar and staring to row. Cole grabbed the other one and started to row aswell.

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