Will you go with me?

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No Ones POV

As the group followed Kai and Nya to there old get-away home, the night was slowly closing in. They weren't even half way there yet when they entered a forest. Everyone was tired from walking and looked exhausted.

"Maybe we should make camp here?" Cole suggested, shivering in the cold.

"That's a good idea" Lloyd agreed, setting his green rucksack on the ground.

"But were not even half way there yet! If we stop now, it'll take even longer to get there" Nya complained.

"Look Nya, everyone is cold and tired from walking, we need to stop for the night" Kai said, placing a hand on Nya's shoulder.

Nya looked around, examining everyone, they all shivered and looked ready to fall asleep.

"Ok, but we start again at first light" She said, sitting on a log.

"Ok, here's the plan to set up camp, Cole and Seliel, set up food-" Lloyd started but was interrupted by Jay.

"DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT LET COLE COOK!" Jay shouted pointing at Cole.

"Why?" Asked Skylor

"Last time I ate his food, I was sick for a week, and the time before that, I couldn't talk for a week" Jay said shivering at the memory.

"Okay fine, Me, Trini, Jay and Nya, will prepare the food, while Kai and Skylor go get fire wood, Cole and Seliel, set up the sleeping area and Zane and Pixal, can you plan the walking route for tomorrow" Lloyd said talking a seat next to Trini.

Everyone nodded in agreement and split up to fulfil there tasks.

~~With Cole and Seliel~~

"How come none of us thought to bring a tent?" Seliel asked Cole.

"I don't know, i always thought it was one of the most important things when camping" Cole shrugged.

"Well I guess that means we'll be sleeping under the stars" She said smiling.

"Yeah, I guess we will" he said, looking up at her from just laying out a sleeping bag.

There was just something that connected them, when they looked at each other butterflies would spout from inside there stomachs.

"Hey, don't you have something you want to ask me?" Seliel asked. She was confident that Cole was talking about her when he said he had his eyes on someone to ask to the dance.

Cole looked at her confused for a second, but then realised she was talking about the dance. He decided to tease her and pretend not to know what she talking about.

"Oh yeah!" He said and turned to face her, she looked really hopeful, this was it, she thought,"Do you have a spare toothbrush, I kinda forgot mine"

Her face immediately dropped.

"Oh, no sorry" She said quietly and turned away from him so he wouldn't see her tears.

Cole stood up after just finishing placing a sleeping bag on a roll mat. He walked over to Seliel and stood in front of her. He took both her hands and looked deep into her eyes. . Her eyes are so beautiful, he thought.

"Seliel...." he whispered before bending down and placing a soft kiss on her lips. Her first kiss. "Will you go to the dance with me?"

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