The Time After They All Found Out

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Jay’s POV


I rubbed my eyes and blinked a couple of times to double check I wasn't dreaming. A Ninja Gi? I mean, I don't know what Nya was so upset about, THIS IS AWESOME!! It's blue! I also happen to know her favourite colour is blue, so maybe she'll like me more now.

Hah! Those robbers didn't stand a chance against the mystical power of the Gi!! They ran so fast if you blinked you would of missed it. They’ll think twice before they try to steal out of my junkyard again.

“Uh, Jay? Jay! It dinner time dear….Why are you dressed as a ninja Honey?”

“Um….. Just trying out for a play at school?”

“Oh, ok well your dinner is getting cold, but please don't ruin your costume, go get changed into you PJ’s"

“Maaaaaa, it's only 7, I'm not a kid anymore”

“Oh, I'm sorry, you just grow up so fast”

“She's right kiddo, I remember when you were small enough to fit in our tiny fridge” My father answered coming up behind my mother.

“Oh yes! And do you remember the time we caught him kissi-”

“Hey! Isn't dinner getting cold?” I interupted her quickly. “Come on let go” I said ushering them inside the caravan.

After dinner I went to my room and examined my GI. It had a base colour of blue and brown knee pads and two brown straps one of which going over my shoulder and around the top of my torso, the other going across my lower abdomen. The top strap also contained two small knife things and a picture woven into the leather. Also on my waist it had a lighter blue belt tied in a central knot that had two excess pieces that hung to my knees. The outfit also came with black fingerless gloves and a blue hood that his everything except my blue eyes and had a gold word written in a ancient language on my forehead.

(I actually had the pacience to describe the gi, Wow, that's a shocker!!! But of my describing skills suck, then just look at the top of the page!)

I glanced towards my clock. The time read eight o'clock. I hung my Gi in my wardrobe and went to play on my phone until I got a text from Lloyd.

Lloyd : Guys, has anything weird happened recently?

Jay : How recently are we talking here?!?

Lloyd : like NOW recently?

Zane : If you are implying the fact that we have all somehow been equipped with ninja gi’s’ then yes, something weird has happened recently.

Seliel : How did you know that Zane?

Zane : I am a robot and can sense the same levels of energy increase that I scanned in Nya earlier, on all of you.

Seliel : Ok, fair enough

Nya : So…. What now?

Kai : Well maybe we should tell a teacher

Seliel : I thought you were against that?

Kai : People change

Cole : Hey guys maybe we should tell Sensi Wu? I mean he's always rambling on about prophecies and secret alliances.

Lloyd : Oh so now everyone agrees with me, where was all this back at the cake shop? Hu?

Jay : Calm down Lloyd

Cole : So is it all agreed?

Seliel : Yes

Jay : Yipity yep

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