The First Clue

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Nya's POV

Today we start our adventure.

Normally I would hate going away from home, because I can get seriously homesick, but I'm actually really excited. As for Kai, he is terrified. He won't admit it obviously, he's got too big an ago, but I can tell he's scared. He's never gone away for a long time before.

It was the morning after we met Trini. I was awake at seven on the dot, packing and making sure the house was clean. Kai was still asleep, even though he set his alarm for an hour ago, he somehow managed to sleep through it. I had been in several time in an attempt to wake him up by hand. But he has just hit me with his pillow and fell back to sleep. Even though he's older, I'm definitely more responsible.

I was wearing a red shirt, blue demin jacket and leggings underneath a pair of shorts.

I was just finishing my breakfast at 9 o'clock when a very tired looking Kai, dragged himself into our kitchen.

"Morning!" I chirped. He groaned a response.

"Do you want some cereal?"

"Yeah" Kai groaned again, clearly not a morning person.

"Why did we agree to meet up so early?" He asked, taking a seat at our table and putting his head in his hands.

"Well we are meeting midday, so you could of slept for a bit longer" I giggled.

"Really?" He asked, I nodded "Well see ya" He finished and plodded back into his room. I heard his shut his door and him collapse on his bed. I giggled to myself and went to finish packing.

~~Two and a half hours later~~

"KAI?! Would you please get your butt in here so we can leave already!" I shouted and banged on his bedroom door.

"Geez, we still have half an hour and it only takes ten minuets to walk down there" He responded, timidity opening the door and poking his head out. He was wearing a red hoodie and brown jeans.

"I know, but I want to get there early so I can double check I've got everything when we get there" I said walking over to the kitchen table and collecting my rucksack.

"Fine, just let me go and pack" He groaned.

"Wait WHAT!?! You haven't packed yet?!" I whipped around and asked worriedly.

"Nah I'm just kidding, here's my rucksack" He laughed, stepping aside to reveal a red rucksack. Mine was blue and red.

"Good, now can we go already!?" I asked pleadingly.

"Okay, okay, lets go"

We both headed towards our front door. I stepped out first, followed by Kai who shut and locked the door after him. Once again the escalator took five minuets to reach our floor, and another five to reach the bottom.

"Good thing we left early" Kai said as the two massive doors creaked open to reveal the ground floor.

"Oh no! Now we only have 20 minuets to get down there, and since it takes ten minuets to walk, I've only got another ten minuets to check I've got everything"

"Geez Nya, you have everything, calm down, we're only going for a couple of days."

"Your right, I'm sorry"

"Don't be" He smiled and ruffled my hair. I slapped his hand away and evil eyed him. He laughed at my anoyence.

We stepped outside of our apartment block and I was immediately hit with a cold breath of fresh air. I shivered and pulled a jumper over my head.

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