Trini, Trini Oneiro

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Okay so this chapter came out faster than planned, I just couldn't leave you guys hanging. So enjoy!!!

Kai's POV

After my PE lesson with Cole, Zane, Jay and Lloyd, we headed to the front of the school. We had decided to go speak with Trini as soon as possible so we could start on our journey to the caves of truth. I am still in denial about all this. I mean, it's just a bit hard to swallow you know? Sensi practically dropped a bomb on our heads,with no warning what so ever.

“Hey guys!” Nya said as we made our way over to the designated meeting point.

“Hey!” Jay, Cole and Lloyd sai d in unison.

“Greeting” Zane said going straight over to Pixal.

I just smiled at her, which she gladly returned.

“So are we gonna go?” Seliel asked impatiently.

“Aren't we forget if someone?” Nya said raising both her eyebrows.

“No, I don't think so” Cole answered with a mouthful of cake.

“How about the only person who actually knows where we are going? And knows who we are looking for?” I said, in a slightly angry tone.

“Oh yeah! Where's Skylor?” Cole choked on a piece of cake.

“In here! Sorry I'm late! Woodworking teacher let our class out late” she puffed, clearly out of breath for running here.

“It's cool! Lead the way, oh great Amber one” Seliel said smiling at her. She giggled at her joke and started walking east, away from school.

We had only been walking for ten minutes before the big skyscrapers and bright billboards turned into crooked lamp posts and run-down houses.

“How can a family, who eats at your restaurant every Saturday live in a dump like this?”

“I don't known, maybe you could ask her when we find her.” Lloyd said rolling his eyes.

“Dude, you can't ask people about their money, that's just rude!” Jay chipped in.

“I was joking Jay! Geez, you're worse than Zane” he said rolling his eyes again.

“I do not understand, I am a robot, I am compatible in every possible way” Zame informed Lloyd, who just face facepalmed and quickened his pace to catch up with Cole.

I was walking with Jay and Nya, and for some odd reason, I kinda felt like I was the third wheel. I mean, they're not dating and don't even like each other, right? So why do I feel like this.

“Hey guys, this walk feels way too quiet. Can someone please start up a conversation?” Nya asked outloud.

“Ok, um……Oh! Did you guys hear about the dance that is meant to take place not this Saturday, but next Saturday?” Seliel said enthusiastically. “But you're not allowed to go solo, you have to go with a partner!”

“A dance? What kind of dance?” I asked intrigued.

“You know, punch, snacks, dancing, king and queen?” Seliel answered.

“No, I mean does it have a theme?” I said rolling my eyes.

“Oh, yes! But I don't know what it is yet” She answered shrugging.

“I know, according to the school database, it's a formal dance.” Pixal Informed us, walking next to Zane.

“What's a formal dance?” Lloyd asked, looking as if he didn't really care though.

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