Finding The Last Two.

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Jay's POV *two days later*

It's been two days since Sensi Wu informed us about our destiny. I'm not entirely sure what Seliel and Cole were so fussed about. This sound really cool! Imagine being able to control lighting? I mean, imagine all the puns I could do. Pranks I could pull. Jokes I could make.

"Jay! Pay attention" Nya shouted at me, while pulling me out of the way of bumping into Morro. He just scowled at me but continued to strut down the hall. "We need to find the last two masters, without being killed by Morro"

"Weren't you the one who told me to stand up to him in the first place?" I smirked at her.

"Yeah, that was before we was told we are destined to save Ninjago from The OverLord, we need you alive, not dead" Nya answered elbowing me in the chest.

"So you think I would loose to him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I didn't say that" she said defensively.

Soooooo, you think I would win against him?" I asked mischievously.

"I didn't say that either" She answered nudging me with her shoulder. I could see her blushing a bit.

We were on our way to our usual lunch table after just coming out from our Geography lesson. Like normal, it was super boring but me and Nya chatted all through it so it wasn't too bad. Geography is the only lesson when it's just me and Nya. And I kinda like it just like that.

"Hey can I ask you something?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Sure" I answered

"Did Kai act pretty weird when Sensi told us about the prophecy, and how there is meant to be ten of us?"

"I know what you mean, it almost like he knows something we don't" I answered thoughtfully.

"Mmmmm" she sighed and looked deep in thought. "Hey, what element do you think the other two will have?!"

"I don't know..... How about, the element of..... SURPRISE!!" I shouted and picked Nya up bridal style and spun around really fast. She yelped and held onto me really tight and buried her face into my chest.

"Jay! Stop!" She shouted between giggles. Everyone in the hallway was giving us really weird looks but I just ignored them and carried on spinning.

I finally stopped and placed her on the ground again. Unfortunately, due to severe spinning, Nya and I both felt really dizzy and ended up on the floor, with her on top of me. We both burst out laughing.

"Egh, get a room!" Someone shouted.

I saw Nya go bright red, as she stood up and held her hand out for me. I took it and stood up, bringing back memories of when we first met outside the school building. Although once I stood up, she didn't let go of my hand. Instead, she pulled herself towards me and planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I'll meet you at the lunch table in five minutes, I have to go talk to someone first." She whispered in my ear and walked off in the opposite direction. I just stood there. Hand held up to the place where she had kissed me, with a dopey smile plastered on my face.

I turned around and walked towards the lunch area outside of the school. I sat down next to Cole and started to unpack my lunch. The dorky smile still on my face. Everyone stopped their conversations looked at me curiously.

"Spill it" Seliel ordered.

"W-what?" I said staring dreamily off at the distance.

"Dude, your face? You are practically screaming something happened to you" Cole stated.

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