First Day Of School

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It was dark and cold. 

So cold my finger tips were numb by my sides and feet felt frozen to my socks.

My footsteps echoed in the dark hallway, the sound bouncing down the the length of the darkened passage and back to my ears. I was walking, my feet moving without my consent until the recollection hit me that I had no clue where I was or knowledge of how I got here. 

With my feet now at a standstill I glanced a look behind me. The same darkened corridor met my eyes with the same blue hue lingering around the edges.

I wanted to freak out, but something inside propelled me to move onwards, like a magnet pulling my body down the corridor. I again wanted to have a meltdown but once more something about this place made me feel calm and relaxed, like I was meant to be here. In a way it was comforting, so going off this relaxing hunch, I allowed my feet to lead me onwards.

I walked for a while, maybe five minutes until they came across two large doors. They took up the entire space on the wall, their wooden frames painting in the same blue that coated to walls and floors, except with silver embellishments and details. With the pessimistic side of my brain muted for the time being, I slowly opened them with a grunt, the hinges creaking with what I could only assume years of neglect.

Inside, was revealed to be a large blue room. Nothing remotely of interest caught my eye, but I still took the plunge and ventured deeper, the large doors closing after me with a loud bang. Ignoring the sound, I stepped into the center, a small almost unnoticeable symbol carved into the floor. My eyes traced the edges until my fingers got fidgety and I crouched to get closer. 

With a spared glance back to the doors, my fingers brushed over the symbol, but upon contact, the room trembled. The blue hue increased around the edges of my eyes as did the lights, except the light was coming from me, starting at the tips of my fingers edging all the way to the center of my body. I shivered with pleasure, the feeling being alike nothing I'd ever felt before.

I wanted to laugh, but instead my eyes were drawn to a new sound: A deep pitched buzz fizzing around with no apparent origin point. Spinning in a circle, my eyes glazed over every inch on the room, only stopping the search when a beam a bright blue shot out from behind me, grazing past my left ear so close the ringing remained long after the beam had vanished.

Only, as soon as the first beam disappeared, another four sprung to life from elsewhere, each missing my body by millimeters every time. Now with a new fear to concentrate on, I froze, the fear of getting hit by one of those... lightning bolts causing my body to stiffen up.

As the buzzing sound increased, so did the amount of bolts filling the room. I whimpered, my eye catching one of the beams ricocheted of the far side of the room and head straight for me. With no time to react, I could only watch as the bolt flew towards me, piercing through my body with alarming speed and pain. I screamed in agony, the pain almost unbearable until-

"Jay? Jay! Wake up. Oh, Ed dear, Jays having nightmare again."

I woke with a start, a fresh cold layer of sweat dusting my forehead. A gulp of oxygen was forced down my body as my eyes met my mother's worried ones. "Mom?" I breathed.

She smiled sympathetically and raised an hand to rest on my cheek, "Oh dear," She sighed, "You okay, son?" Edna asked, her thumb brushing across my undereye where undoubtedly tear residue lay. 

With a nod of my head, I reached over to my nightstand, my hand wrapping around a glass of water and gulping it down in one. 

"What was it about this time?" My father asked from the doorway to my room, he walked quickly over to me and placed a hand on mom's shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze.

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