The Events At The Cake Shop

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Wish this is the biggest chapter yet, i hope you enjoy!!

Btw, I'm sorry this took so long to write, it was a little rushed but i hope you still like it.....


Nya's POV

People say that your first day of high school will define you for the rest of the year, unless something more embarrassing/Amazing/ life threatening happens, your stuck. But my first day, well, let's just say I've already made a pretty good first impression on my new friends.

I had so maybe questions swimming around in my brain after the..... informative lunch break. Question like:

Why are they recurring?

Do they mean anything?

Why are my friends having elemental dreams as well?

Should I tell a teacher?

My brain was really hurting with all this new information by the time I saw my chemistry class. It was like trying to swallow a full watermelon without cutting it up.

Kai was looking really distracted as we entered our room, but I presumed it was because he was a teenage boy and, well..... school. But as we trundled further into the room, I noticed the actual cause of Kai's distantness. Skylor, the girl Kai "has a crush" on, is in the same class as us. Great. But worst of all, instead of sitting where we want, like most normal teachers, the chem' teacher had decided to rip that freedom out of our life and produced a seating plan written on the board.


My emotions changed from confused to annoyed because I was partnered up with none other than the girl in question, Skylor. I took my seat next to her and gave her a half hearted smile.

"Hi, you must be Nya, im Skylor. It really nice to meet you." She said and held her hand out before giving me a massive smile.

At first I thought this was some kind of act because of the way Seliel and everyone was describing her at lunch made her out to be some kind of horrible, egotistical teenage girl, but in reality, she seems actually really nice.

As the lesson continued, I found out that she actually hates cheerleading, and all her friends are fake and only want to be friends with her because her dad is really rich and owns a noodle shop.

The lesson was nearing an end when the teacher told us that there was going to be a big chemistry project in a couple of weeks and we had to take part. And since the teacher had no sense in free will, she decided that she was going to pick our partners.

I didn't mind it because I was partnered up with Skylor, but my brother wasn't so happy about it. He was partnered up with Morro. I let out a small chuckle when I saw the look on his face.

Me and Skylor decided to meet after school tomorrow at my house to work on our project. I bet Kai we'll be happy.

When second bell went, me, Kai, Zane and Pixal all headed for the front of the school, where we had decided to meet with the others to discuss more about our dreams.

As the front of the school came into view, we saw that Jay and Lloyd were already there. When he saw me he gave me a massive smile and I returned one just as big.

I guess it's true when they say smiles are contagious. That and I may have a little crush on him. Just a little one.

"Hey Jay, hey Lloyd" I said happily, "so where are we going to go?"

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