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Too many kittypets, rogues and loners joining Clans.

* No here's one thing I vehemently disagree on. Having outsiders join Clans is COOL!!!! A giant problem I have with the canon books is how rampant and unchallenged xenophobia towards outsiders is. For every storyline about a respectful and competent outsider is another 40 lines about how kittypets are lazy and dull. I don't care how overused it may be, challenging the Clan's mentality on outsiders is always great and needed. Other lifestyles must be respected and not disdained or outright assimilated into Clan culture. Having outsiders join Clans offer a fresh outlook on how Clan cats behave and an easy way to offer lore exposition without seeming flat-out lazy. Give me more interesting outsiders and condemnation of xenophobia, I say, banging my fist on the table like a king demanding more roasted hog.

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