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Heroes and MCs die noble, honorable and known deaths while background characters die of.... less extraordinary things like a sickness or in a battle when no one was looking.

* Eh, I mean, background characters are background characters. No matter what, in a comprehensive story, some characters will be more important than others, and attempting otherwise can just make a story bloated. Here's the two situations here:
1. Important characters die really boring ways, making their entire existence seem anticlimactic and meaningless. Deaths are supposed to be a tragic but meaningful send-off of a character. Your MC dying in a random battle for shock value isn't meaningful.

2. Background characters are given wildly noble deaths. This can work, but if you've given them no personality, readers are just left with a feeling of "... who?" Even if they are minor characters, please tag on some distinguishable personality traits and connection to the MC if you want to kill them in flashy ways. Otherwise, the occasional sickness or battle is fine.

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