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Toms having manly names: Tigerfang, Rockjaw, Lionclaw
She-cats having feminine names: Blossomheart, Lilyfall, Moonstream

* Re-reading this and I love the name Moonstream, but yeah agreed. It's also funny when "traditionally masculine" prefixes are given "feminine" suffixes for she-cats, like oh we can't have a she-cat with the prefix Tiger! That's too "boy" and she's "girl"! Make it Tigerflower instead.

Tigerflower is a pretty name, but it would be neat to not have to deal with sexism in the fictional cat universe (unless that's your intention). Like I've been guilty of this too, don't get me wrong, but sometimes limiting your names to "male" and "female" is restricting your creativity. Go wild.

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