Chapter 3

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Zach's POV

     "Beth?" The barista called out.

     "See ya later Zach." She told me winking. She grabbed her coffee and walked away after that. Damn she's pretty. I wish we could've talked a little longer but at least I got her number which I fully intend on using.

"Zach?" The barista called out pulling me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my coffee and walked out thinking of Beth and the conversation we had.

Beth's POV

     I smile walking out of Starbucks a minute later I turn back hoping to catch one last glimpse of Zach and I see him walking out in the other direction.

     "Damn he's hot" I whisper to myself. It's at this unfortunate moment that I turn around just in time to bump into my brother and go sprawling to the ground.

Jonah's POV

     I'm looking down at my phone so I'm not really looking where I'm going when I feel someone run into me.

     "I'm so sorry!" I say while trying not to fall over.

     "Just be glad my coffee didn't spill or you'd have to buy me another." I hear my sister say.

     "Bethy! I'm sorry." I respond helping her up. She smiles and brushes herself off.

     "You already said that." She replies.

     "I was actually hoping I'd run into you today. But not literally." I say chuckling.

     "Why? What's up?" She asks.

     "When do you wanna meet the band?" I ask.

     "I don't know, I'm free tomorrow how about then?" She asks.

     "Yeah that works." I respond.

     "Okay you can pick me up whenever tomorrow." She tells me. "Bye."

     "Bye" I respond. I'm excited for her to meet the guys. But I'm gonna have to tell Jack to stay away from her. He's kind of a player and I don't want my baby sister anywhere near that.

Beth's POV

     As soon as I get back to my apartment I get a text from Zach.

Zach😉: Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow?
Beth: I can't I have plans
Beth: How about the day after?
Zach😉: Sure! When and where should I pick you up?
Beth: How about around 7:00?
Zach😉: Sounds good! See you then.
Beth: Bye!

The Next Day...

Beth's POV

I got up and did my morning routine. I got dressed in some ripped jeans a black crop top a red flannel and my converse high tops. I'm excited to meet the band. A few minutes after I finish breakfast I get a text from Jonah.

Big bro❤️: Hey, I'm outside come down.
Bethy: Ok coming

Jonah's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now