Chapter 16

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Beth's POV

     We get back to the house and I see all the guys, they look worried.

     "Hey guys." I say. Then I feel Jonah hugging me.

     "Bethy, don't do that again, you scared me." He tells me. I hug him back.

     "I'm sorry," I say. "I just needed to get out of this house for a while." I explain to them what happened with George and how he cheated on me and put me in the hospital, then about the fight between Zach and me.

The Next Day

Beth's POV

     I wake up and go downstairs to make breakfast. After yesterday I could really use a slow day, but knowing my life, that won't happen so I just enjoy this moment. I'm flipping pancakes when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

     "Good morning." I hear Zach say from behind me.

     "Good morning." I say turning around and kissing him. I go back to flipping pancakes then all the boys come down.

     "I smell pancakes!" Corbyn shouts. I hold out a plate of pancakes and he takes it then all the boys and I get our pancakes. Soon all the guys go upstairs and I start to do the dishes but I feel someone pick me up from behind.

"What's going on?" I ask confused.

     "Shh. We're gonna prank the guys." I hear Logan say behind me.

     "How did you get in?" I ask.

     "That's not important. Come on let's go!" He says carrying me out the door.

     "So what's the prank and why did you need me?" I ask.

     "I hear you're the pranking queen. That's why I need you." He tells me.

     "What's the prank?" I ask again. He explains the prank to me and soon we're in Walmart buying cans of paint and tons of water balloons. Before we go I grab a can of spray paint just in case.

     Logan and I go back to the house and we start filling the water balloons with paint. The guys are at a meeting which gives us time to set up the prank. Logan vlogs the entire time and soon we hear the door open.

     "Hey Logan what are you doing here?" Jack asks as he comes through the door with the other guys following.

     "Attack!" I yell. Logan and I start throwing the paint filled water balloons at them.

     Daniel manages to catch one and throws it back at Logan causing him to drop a ballon on me. He starts laughing and I take start spray painting him with the spray paint I got earlier.

     "Where'd you get spray paint?" He asked.

     "I bought it earlier." I tell him.

     Then Zach comes up behind me and pops a paint filled ballon over my head. I run into the kitchen to get something then run back in and dump a bag of flour over his head. I'm laughing so hard I'm literally on the floor crying right now. Zach picks me up and hugs me causing me to be covered in paint and flour.

     "Zach stop!" I yell still laughing. He sets me down and I run outside with him following me.

     I jump in the pool to get the paint and flour off and Zach does the same. We get out of the pool and dry off. Soon we're sitting on the couch watching Netflix.

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