Chapter 20

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Beth's POV

     "George?" He's been the one following me around. But who's the girl he's with? "Why have you been following me?" I ask.

     "Well it's simple Beth," he says. "If I can't have you no one can."

     He grabs me and tries to throw me in the car. The girl just stands there watching. I scream for help but nobody comes, nobody is around. George gets me in the trunk of the car and I feel the car drive off. After a while the car stops and the trunk opens I try to run away but George grabs me. I get out of his grasp and start running but the girl grabs me and punches me over and over. Then everything goes black.

Zach's POV

     "Zach just calm down." Jack says.

     "I can't calm down, Beth should've been back hours ago!" I yell at him. Then Corbyn and Christina come through the door. They immediately sense the tension in the room.

     "What's wrong?" Corbyn asks.

     "Have either of you seen Beth?" Jonah asks.

     "Not since she dropped me off on my date with Christina why?" He asks.

     "She hasn't come home yet." Daniel answers.

     "What?" Christina says. "We have to find her." She adds.

     "Guys what if the people following her took her?" I ask them.

     "Zach's right, they could've taken her." Jonah adds.

     I have to find Beth. I love her. From the moment I saw her I loved her. I need to find her. I can't live without her.

Beth's POV

     I slowly open my eyes and see I'm tied up on the floor of some warehouse. I see the girl that knocked me out.

     "Who are you?" I ask sitting up.

     "I'm the girl who should be with Zach. Not you. I was his girlfriend before you came along, he broke up with me a few months before he met you, I should be with Zach not you!" She says.

     "Why are you doing this to me?" I ask.

     "Because you and Zach just wouldn't break up." She tells me. "I tried hitting you with a car, I tried to set your apartment on fire, I tried to get you and Zach to break up by getting George to leave that comment, but each time you and Zach came out stronger."

     "You did all that to me? Do you have and idea what you put me through?" I yell.

     "Apparently not enough because your still here breathing and with Zach." She screams back. "But not for long. There's only one way for me to be with Zach, I have to kill you." She adds.

      She starts hitting me with a baseball bat and doesn't stop. Soon I can't stand the pain anymore and pass out. Right before I'm completely out I hear a door opening and lots of pairs of feet running.

Zach's POV

     "Guys she has been gone since yesterday, I'm going to find her." I tell everyone.

     "How?" Jonah asks. He's just as desperate to find her as I am.

     "If she has her phone on her I can try to track it." Amber says. She came over earlier because she was supposed to hang out with Beth today and we told her what happened.

     "How can you track it?" Jack asks.

     "I'm a tech genius. Did Beth not tell you?" She asks.

     "No. Not really." Daniel says.

     "That's not important just track her phone." I say. She opens her laptop and types for what feels like hours but is probably only a few minutes.

     "I found it. The address is (insert random address) lets go." She says. We all drive there and on the way Corbyn calls the police.

We pull up to a warehouse and before the car fully stops I'm already running in. Everyone else follows me. I open the door and we run in and see a girl hitting her with a baseball bat. She's unconscious.

"Beth!" I yell I run over to her.

The girl hitting her with a bat and another guy try to run away but Jonah tackles the guy while Amber and Christina hold the girl in place. The EMT's rush in and take her away. I look over to see who did this to her. The guy I recognize as Beth's ex-boyfriend and the girl I recognize as my ex-girlfriend, Missy. The police come in and arrest them then we all drive to the hospital.

"Beth Marais." I say running up to the front desk.

"Room 112." She says.

"Thanks." I say running to the room with everyone following behind.

We get to the room and she's just laying there, unmoving, unconscious, pale, she looks lifeless...

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