Chapter 6

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Can we just admire how nice Cas looks when the lighting is fire 😍
Sorry I know there hasn't been much Destiel /: please don't hate me hahhah
Also ! Are there any ships any of you would like to see in the future for this book???
Mary couldn't take seeing her son in so much pain she grabbed her keys leaving the house getting in her car. On her way to the hospital she rushed through an intersection a truck crashing into the side of her vehicle. When she got to the hospital it was to late. On the scene of the accident when she took her last breath Sam took his first.

Sam's POV
I was in the Impala Dean blaring music loudly when Deans phone rang he turned the music down.
"Dad what's up?"
I could faintly hear what dad was saying only because Dean had his phone so loud.
"Tell. To breathe. She's gone."
Dean slammed on the brakes catching my full attention
"Dean what the f-"
"Sam!! Breathe! Wake up and live!!!!" Dean grabbed my shoulders shaking me
I shot up gasping for air along with heavy breaths. I was so cold my fingers were practically ice and the monitors around me were so loud continuously beeping before a few nurses and maybe a doctor came rushing in. What happened ?


"S..Sammy?" My head turned to look at the noise. I felt myself become calm as my eyes met with my older brother.
"Dean" I smiled. I could see his face drop along with his tensed shoulders.
"Dammit Sam, " he rushed over to me wrapping me in a hug "don't ever do that again"
He pulled away from the hug sitting next to me his head slumped while his eyes sadly looking down at the floor.
"We've been released back into Johns custody" he spoke after
"What? Why?"
A tear hit the floor Dean looked up at me. I've never seen him cry before
"Sammy...moms dead"
I sucked back air not releasing it I hadn't realized I was crying until the tears fell on my hand. Dean grabbed my shirt pulling me into a hug his presents being the only thing holding me together.


Deans POV

Since Sam was already allowed to leave we left the hospital going home on the way home Bobby called saying he was going to stay with us and go to court to get the custody signed to his name. I was happy he wanted to do that but it was useless as of today I was 18. I was legally allowed to be Sam's guardian. The house was in mom will towards me so I owned the house and I had the jobs to financially support both Sam and I. Instead of saying all this to Bobby I agreed, with all that's happened today, losing my brother, my mom then getting my brother back I just wanted this to end. All I had to do was survive through moms funeral then I could put this behind me and try not to think about it, I hated being this sad.


Tomorrow was moms funeral I spent the last couple of days helping Bobby put it together even though he did most of it. I asked Cas to come over tonight knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep alone he understood. His shifted ended at nine so I left the house picking him up.

"Hey Cas" I said as he walked out joining me he kissed my cheek taking his helmet putting it on as I put mine back on.
He swung his bag over his shoulder getting on, he still put his arms around my waist even though this was his millionth time on the bike but hey I didn't mind. It was cute and comforting. I took the long way home taking the highway, Cas had gotten use to highways on the bike at first he hated it because I'd always go really fast.
Cas decided to watch a movie so I joined him but of course not even halfway through he fell asleep. I picked him up bridal style careful not to wake him, softly I placed him down on my bed sitting on the floor beside my bed I gently ran my fingers through his soft hair. I got up to leave but he grabbed my hand pulling it. I looked back at him and he moved over making more room on the bed for me so I crawled in next to him before I knew it I fell asleep.

I walked to Sam's room. He was struggling to do his tie and Cas was helping him.
"I'll be in the car when you're ready Sammy"
When I was leaving I hard Sam mumble
'Its Sam' causing me to lightly smile. It was about ten minutes until Sam and Cas came out and we drove in silence.
Sam and Cas sat in the front while I made a speech thanking everyone for coming out and all that crap. They closed her casket and lowered her down I could see Sam wanted to cry I reached over pulling him close showing him that it was okay to cry, a 14 year old kid shouldn't have to go through this not being allowed to cry. Once they started to put dirt down I took Sam away to the car. It was quiet expect for the silent sobs of Sam which I didn't mind he needed to let this out. Once he stopped and cleaned him self up I seen Cas exiting with a crowd of people.
"How're you doing Sammy" I turned to look at him
"We're gonna survive this Dean. We'll be okay, right?"
"We've got each other of course we'll be okay"
My words brought a smile to Sam's face. As Cas got in the car and we drove off. I didn't wanna stand there through everyone leaving and listen to them saying how sorry they were and all their stupid pity.


"Dean!!" I jumped a little hitting my head off baby.
"Fuck" I said rubbing my head where I hit "what now Sam"
"Cas' texted me saying you haven't been answering his texts and he's worried answer you damn boyfriend bitch"
"Yah whatever jerk" he smirk going back into the house I grabbed a towel wiping my hands.

'When's the game?' -C
'Its gonna rain tonight does that mean the game is cancelled ?' -C
'Dean?' -C
'So you're either eating, fixing 'baby' or you're dead' -C
'Please don't be dead' -C
'Hellloooooo' -C

'Jeez Cas, I'm alive you spammer' -DW
'Oh sorry just got a little worried' -C
'Yeah the games still on even though it's gonna rain' -DW
'What time' -C
'8' -DW
'Alright see you then' -C

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