Chapter 16

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Cas walked into Deans room carefully not to wake the sleeping Winchester household. He crawled in next to Dean thinking about what had just happened. He fell from heaven and now him and Dean are linked for life. Cas ran his hand through Deans hair waking him up,
"Hey you"
Deans sleep voice was deep, he cleared his throats yawning
"the strangest thing happened last night"
Cas hummed in a reply showing him to go on.
"I was walking and out of nowhere got really sad and a pain in my back,Sam says I passed out"
He rubbed his eyes looking up at Cas
"About that Dean..."
Dean watched Cas lips
"Yesterday when we..ah you know."
"Had sex?"
"Yah..some of my grace got into you, causing you to be bonded to me til death so us part"
Deans eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"So what do I got angel powers or something ?"
Cas chuckled
"Not exactly. Last night I was banned from heaven, when I was falling I was sad and pained. You felt it because you feel my emotions and pain because we're bonded as one"
"Whoa wait, you're banned ?"
Cas sadly nodded remembering everyone watching him, knowing it'd be a long time before he seen them all again and really he doubted they'd treat him the same.
"Are you alright?"
Dean put his hand up to Cas face moving his thumb soothingly Cas leaned into his touch.
"They're my family Dean..."
Cas lied down nuzzling into Deans chest who embraced him into a warm hug to comfort him. All Cas wanted to do was cry  Dean could feel his pain, his loss. A tear fell down Deans cheek and that's when Dean knew Cas was on the verge of breaking.
"Do you remember when I said I loved you for the first time ? You told me I didn't mean it and I laughed giving you a speech"
"When I say I love you they're not words they're my feelings"
Cas reenacted Deans speech feeling a spark of joy.
"And I do. I love you Castiel"
Dean kissed his angels head holding him closer. A smile grew on his face, he could feel the sparks of joy that were lit in Cas.


  Cas threw his angel blade at Dean striking the demon behind him in the forehead, Dean turned around ripping out the blade stabbing him in the stomach.
Dean walked up handing Cas his blade quickly kissing him as a thank you.
"Nice save"
"Were not done yet"
The two repositioned into their protective stances Dean shot at the two demons coming his way, Cas walked up to the four touching their foreheads causing them to combust to dark dust that was sent back to hell. They backed up until their backs met, Cas watched for Dean as he reloaded his gun. A demon jumped out of its meat suit finding its way to Deans possessing him momentarily before Deans eyes glowed a blue, the demon was exorcised by the grace in Dean. A demon threw a blade at Dean to which Cas jumped in trying to save Dean but they're linked and although he may not have the wound Cas now had he'd feel the pain. Dean fell to his knee putting his hand to the ground to balance himself from falling. Worried Cas combined his power into one blow, he released the energy blowing up around him and Dean, the power of his blow took out all the surrounding demons hiding deep in the woods. Dean got to his feet rubbing his head and putting his gun away.
"The hell was that Cas?"
Dean turned to look at nothing because Cas was walking away to the Impala, Dean felt the pain in his stomach still there he ran up to Cas going in front of him. Cas once white shirt was covered in blood he looked faint. Dean put his hand to the blood surprised at what he felt, a wave of relief, the pain gone. They both looked down then at each others confused
"Did I just heal you?"
Dean lifted Cas' shirt running his hand over the bloody skin that had no wound.

It was late at night when Dean got home
He threw his keys on the table finding a note.
There's a party tonight that me and Gabe are going to we'll be home later, Kevin's our sober driver.
He read the note smiling that his little brother was doing something normal. He remembered all the parties him and Cas went to and how Cas never learned how to hold his liquor. Grabbing a beer and his laptop he spent the night doing his collage classes.

Kevin drove them to the party at some persons house,
"I'll be back in three hours to pick you up."
"Thanks Kev"
Sam got out
"Yah thanks Kevie "
Gabe winked getting out going around to find Sam. Kevin left queuing the two to go in, Gabe instantly found the drinks getting one for him and Sam not starting easy. He handed it to him with a grin Sam downed it hoping to calm some nerves
"Whoa Samantha,"
he walked putting his arm to the wall pinning Sam, the cornered moose smirked taking his candy bars hand walking them into where everyone was dancing, the content of that drink were starting to toll on the effects. Sam let loose dancing along with the music Gabe joined in, they managed to finish three drinks before finding the outside and hearing the all to familiar engine of Deans Impala. Sam found Dean parked in the front leaning against the car, there were girls-probably all drunk or close to it- surrounding Dean squealing but he ignored it.
Sam and Gabe swayed their way over to the car Dean helped them in the back. The party was a distance away from their house, Sam and Gabe made out before passing out but Dean had the music loud so he couldn't hear them. It was funny seeing Sam in this state, when they got home Gabe sobered up enough walk to Sam's room but Sam on the other hand had to lean on Dean in order to keep himself up. Dean left to his room after Sam finished throwing up the tons of alcohol.
"How is he?"
Cas was getting on one of Deans old band tees, whenever Dean fell asleep Cas wanted to do the same. Dean got on his pj bottoms falling on the bed Cas follow behind.
"He'll have quite the hangover tomorrow but for now he's fine."
Cas cuddle into Dean who embraced him pulling them blankets over them
"We use to do the same, you could never hold our liquor in and end up with a nasty hangover the next day"
Cas chuckled
"I wonder if your angel self can"
Cas gave no reply, Dean looked down at his sleeping angel. That can't be good he thought, Angel don't sleep but here he is sleeping. Dean sighed mentally noting to ask Bobby about it tomorrow before he himself fell asleep.

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