Chapter 10

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{Smut at the end. Ps: this is a rather long ish chapter but its a gucci chapter ♥️}
Deans POV
I decided to spend the day cleaning up the house, it wasn't dirty but it was getting clustered. I started with the boxes in the hall closet, my dads things that mom kept in there. I opened it up finding a leather jacket, pictures and a brown book. I went to the kitchen island table sitting in a chair opening the book up.
Wendigo? Salt and Burn the bones? What the hell is all this ? I read through the stories, it was a little scary how real they sounded. Did John have a love for horror?
Adam Milligan? He's in here a lot. Baseball games and birthdays.
John hunts? Is he a cop? The word case and hunting is used a lot in here ? Why would he write a story and put himself in it. That's douchy. I through the book and jacket back in the box putting it away.

All day my mind was on the book. Was it real? It seemed real. And it explained why John was always gone. I went to the couch putting on a movie but fell asleep.

"Dean come on shoot the damn gun!" I flinched at him yelling but did as he said hitting the figure coming after me but then he faded into the air when the bullet hit him. "Son if you're going to be a hunter you can't hesitate when a vamp is attacking you or you'll be a dead man"
"Yes sir" I nodded and the two of us walked back to the Impala. Dad got his book out writing down my progress as if journaling me. We drove to our motel room, Dad fell asleep but I laid in my bed not tired. It was all quiet until our door slammed open and a vamp came in my room I couldn't grab my knife quickly enough it jumped to me biting my neck, I screamed and that's when-

I rolled over falling off the couch, fuck. I rubbed my head, slowly I stood up going to the bathroom. That dream it seemed like a memory. I got in the shower that always helped me think. Standing in the hot water brought back the memory. That wasn't a dream that was real. I remembering being bitten and John came running in my room shooting at it causing it to run away but the bullet went through it and in my side. John rushed me to the hospital and that's when mom found out John and I had been hunting a vamp nest, she was so mad she refused to talk to John for days, I never went hunting again. I was ten years old. Turning the tap off I got out of the shower getting dressed I looked in the mirror lifting my hand up to my neck my fingers ran along the teeth scars on my neck. I always wondered how I got that, and the scar on my side.
I left the bathroom getting out the book again and found the entry from that day.

Dean: still hesitant at shoot a gun. I have been teaching him how to be a hunter for a year, he still has nightmares after a hunt. Mary is starting to get suspicious. We found the vamp nest tomorrow we'll go and kill them.
Dean 25-111.

I'm a hunter ? So everything in this book is true. I spent the day in my room ignoring my phone. I finished reading Johns journal and then Sam came in my room.
"What are you doing ? You've been in here all day and Cas says you're ignoring him? What's going on?" He asked standing in my doorway. I hid the book before he could see it.
"Oh ahh sorry I was sleeping. Sam do you know where mom kept all of dads things ?"
He gave me a look
"Yah in the hall closet"
"No, the rest of his things ?"
"At Bobby's I guess. Why're you asking me all this ?"
"Planning on doing some cleaning." I lied.
"Alright well, Cas is here"

I got up patting Sam on the shoulder passing by him going down the hallway to meet Cas. I took his hand and walked out to the Impala,
"Dean where are we going ?" Cas asked getting in the passenger seat.
"I thought you weren't working at the garage today?"
"I'm not," I pulled out of the driveway quickly driving to Bobby's "he's got somethings I'm gonna pick up and then we'll go for dinner " Cas nodded and smiled, the rest of the ride was quiet expect for some songs that Cas would hum to. Cas waited in the car well I went in to Bobby's.

"Mom left some of dads things here and I need them" Bobby's shoulders dropped and his once happy to see me face was now upset.
"You know. Don't you?" His voice was low painted with disappointment.
" I know I'm meant to be a hunter, its in my blood, it's the family business Bobby"
"Boy what have you gotten yourself into." His head hung low and he released a sigh. "Come sit" I did as instructed, we talked and he told me all he knew about hunting and what I'd need to know. I was graduating high school in a week so during the summer Bobby said he'd take me on some cases but I mentioned I didn't want Sam knowing about this until he was older.

I left his place with dads box of salt guns and hunting weapons along with a list of what they're good for. I put them in the trunk so Cas couldn't find them, we went to diner then back to my place to watch a movie.

Sam was asleep when we got there so we kept the movie volume low. I caught Cas eyes on me causing a smirk,
"Not for nothing Cas but the last person who looked at me like that. I got laid"
"Yah I know Dean, I was there" I laughed at his correct response and turned to meet his eyes instantly starving for him. Almost as if he read my mind he reached up grabbing my flannel over shirt tugging me to him I locked out lips moving on top of him pinning his back to the couch, I licked his bottom lip quickly getting a welcome invite. We broke apart catching our breath I took my flannel off as he helped to take my shirt of throwing both to the floor. Cas started kissing my neck moving to my shoulder my hands moved down meeting the growing bulge pushing against his pants I pushed my hand down surprising him as he bit down on my shoulder causing it to bleed a bit.
He instantly felt bad
"Dean im so sorry" he looked up at me, I smirked and kissed him
"Perk of having sex my angel is making your mark" he blushed I got up off him and picked him up bridal style carrying him to my room closing the door behind me and putting him back to his feet pinning him to a wall. quickly working to rid him of his shirt to which he helped throwing it to the floor. My hand moved down his bare chest stopping at his belt I looked up at him and he nodded his consent. I moved down kissing him to distract him wanting to keep the element of surprise. I undid his belt ridding him of it as it made a clinging noise when it hit the floor. I moved my hands to push against his bulge again, his head rolled back against the wall breaking the kiss exposing his neck, I moved down kissing just below his ear. Cas ran his fingers through my hair he grabbed my hair when I started sucking on the sensitive patch, releasing a soft moan

I kissed the spot moving to kiss his lips "shh, Sammy's sleeping  " I kissed his lips once more before moving down his neck. While distracting him with my kissing I managed to get his pants off leaving less clothing to protect his growing member. I found his sweet spot softly kissing it before sucking causing him to push me away. Our eyes met forming a smirk on my lips he put his hand on my chest backing me to the bed pushing me on it then climbing on top of me. His hand pushed at my growing member I bit my lip to quiet myself but he continued harder and faster forcing moans out of my lips.
"shhh," he smirked looking up at me "Sammy's sleeping"

  I woke up in Deans bed the sheets were sticky and there was something on my face along with my hair. I got up scrambling for something to put on my naked lower half. I grabbed a pair of Deans boxers and pj bottoms and his shirt from yesterday going to the bathroom to clean myself up before meeting the brothers in the kitchen.
Sam was out for a jog and Dean sat eating cereal shirtless, I poured myself some and sat with him. He got up and made us some coffee and I noticed a big bruise and small bumps on his shoulder then remember what I did yesterday. I got up walking to him gently touching his shoulder, he looked over at me moving to face me
"Cas it's okay, really I'm fine. Actually I quite like it, it's like you claimed me in a way" he winked softly kissing me then going back to making coffee.
Like I claimed him.

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