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Image for Character design: by Lizeth.

It has been hard for Naruto these past few days. He has been fighting without end and so far it was worth it. Obito finally saw the twisted peace for what it was and now they had a new enemy. Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the first wielder of chakra on Earth. It wasn't long until Naruto had to fight her and she was strong. Stronger than any person he had ever faced.

"You remind me so much of them, my two sons." Kaguya looked at Sasuke and Naruto deadpanned but in her pale eyes you could see small amounts of grief and sadness. Her tears built up a bit and Naruto couldn't help but feel sadness for her.

"They betrayed mother. They sealed her leaving me to plan for mother's escape." Black Zetsu's skinny form was next to his "mother" and almost caught both of them when he lunged at them.

"After everything I did for them they betrayed me! All because they couldn't stay put and then they sealed me into the moon." Naruto was startled when Kaguya did some unfamiliar hand signs. Both him and Sasuke quickly did their respective hand signs as Kaguya began charging at them without uttering a single word. Her hand was enveloped in a black mist as she went closer to the two other Shinobis.



There was a large blast and everyone within the radius was pushed back. Naruto looked up with blurred vision to see Kaguya in her orginal postion looking at Sasuke. His gaze shifted over to the black haired shinobi and his eyes widened with startling realization. He quickly picked himself up and pushed Sasuke out of the way as he was trying to get up.

"Ugh!" Sasuke moaned in pain as his arm has been damaged was applied force with the push. He looked up to see Naruto's blond sunshine hair and wide blue eyes with unshed tears as he was sucked into a black abyess slowly.

"N-Naruto!" Sasuke quickly got up and tried to reach out Naruto's outstretched hand. His finger grazed Naruto's but it was to late. Naruto completely disappeared and all Sasuke remembered was Naruto's tear filled face and his sky blue eyes.

"Argggh!" A blond haired boy grunted as he landed onto the cold hard dirt as blood seeped out of his mouth.

"S-Shit!" He grabbed his hand in pain as he twisted it during the landing. It cracked as it turned to its original postion.

"Kit, I'm trying to heal your wounds. Try not to move around or cause yourself anymore damage." Naruto grunted in pain and sat up slowly. He looked around seeing trees as far as he could see and he sensed a few animals in the area.

"Kyuu, where are we?" Naruto heard nothing but silence for a few seconds. It was only when his hand was finally back in place did the sealed demon answer him.

"There. I finshed healing most of what I could. And for your question, I don't know kit. What I do know is that the impact with that mysterious justu caused some sort of time rift. We may be in the past or future but I can't correlate when we are." Naruto stood up slowly as he made a hand sign.

"Akuma Tensō no Justu." In a puff of smoke a figure arose. It has long read unruly hair that surrounded a creamy white complexion. Red orbs opened and white fangs appeared as the figure began to speak.

"Are you sure you want me out?"

"Yeah, I need someone to help me get through all this." Naruto felt his breathing quicken as he tried to calm down. The Kyūbi looked at the kit with worry but also noticed something strange.

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