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"So, I have to leave the team?"

"Yes, if we are going to change the future we need to start working on making peace treaties with other villages." Naruto looked down while biting his lip.

"Yeah I know. When do I leave for the mission?" The older man tossed a porcelien mask towards the blond.

"As soon as possible. I would like for you to go to Amegakure. Near the borders there is a small house where Jiraiya currently resides in. He is taking care of a few orphans he found."

"These orphans...they're Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko. If I'm correct they should be around my age right?" The older man nodded. Rubbing his temple, the blond looked down at his mask. It's just like the one he had as a child. Red rimed eyes and three red wavy whisker markings were the most noticable features. The mouth was simliar to a dog or cat mask.

"So I would kill three birds with one stone. I meet up with Jiraiya, have my whole speech about friendship and being hokage to the trio, and finally begin to go to the villages to discuss the peace treaties with a strong recognized shinobi, A.K.A The Pervy Sage."


"You've got my work cut out for me old man." Putting on the mask, the blond turned and jumped on the window sill.

"I'll leave at 0400 hours. If my team comes by, can you inform them of my early leave. Don't want to get their hopes up or anything." The Sandaime nodded and tossed a scroll towards Naruto. Naruto caught it with ease an lazily saluted the Hokage.

"Goodbye Old man."

"See you later Naruto."

"Ah this sucks. And I just got comfortable."

"Yeah me too. But we get to see the Pervy Sage again so it's not all bad."

"Yeah someone I can finally relate too." Naruto laughed a bit at Kurama, who yawned.

"Why'd we have to leave so early in the morning?"

"Because the sooner we leave the better."

"Is this so you could avoid your team?" Naruto froze and looked away from the red head.

"I thought we've talked about this kit. They're your team and you're their teammate."

"Yes I know that but..."


"I just keep getting these weird feelings around them. I'm usually okay with Dad but when I'm with the others I feel weird."

"Oh?" Lifting a brow Kurama stood there, thinking. He felt like hitting himself as soon as he realised it.

"How do you feel about Rin?"

"Rin?" The red head nodded.

"Well she's nice and all but I don't know her that well."

"What about Kakashi?"

"Kakashi is nothing like Kakashi-sensei! It's so weird to see his face, well his mask, and yet not see that stupid perverted grin whenever he read Icha Icha Paradise. But even though they aren't the same person I'm kinda relieved. I really like this Kakashi too."

"And Obito?"

"Obito isn't like any Uchiha I've met. He isn't arrogant like them but is still super talented like them. He's as strong as Kakashi. They're both really cool..." Naruto stopped talking as he lifted a hand to his chest.

"Are you okay Naruto?"

"Hm, yeah. I just got an ache in my chest." Kurama smiled at the blond who rubbed his chest slightly.

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