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The team had been silent ever since Minato left them to do his part of the mission. Kakashi was now completely in charge and Naruto wasn't all that comfortable with the arrangement. He has yet to find out exactly when Kakshi lost his eye and when Obito died. Kurama walked alongside Naruto snifing the air every so often to make sure there weren't any enemies. While he didn't sniff any enemies yet he did smell the tense fear between all of them. 

They continued on, traveling deeper and deeper into the forest and into the enemies territory. If everything went smoothly, then they would arrive at the Kannabi Bridge within a couple hours and would have no problem to complete their mission. But in the shinobi world, nothing goes along like planned.

Not too soon after Naruto was beginning to think that maybe nothing would go wrong, it happened. They were ambushed. Before the attack could even happen Kakashi had sensed their enemies and not even a second after sharpened logs were falling from above, hurtling towards them. Obito quickly made a few hand signs.

"Katon! Goukakyuu no jutsu!"

Everyone ducked to avoid any flaming debris falling on them. A crack on one of the burnt logs alerted them all to the enemies whereabouts and Kakashi immediately lunged forward to attack. Naruto felt a tap at his shoulder, he wasn't even aware that he was distracted by Kakashi, and Kurama nodded his head towards their backs. Naruto nodded. In a flash Naruto appeared behind the other two to block the incoming attack of a invisible figure.

"H-How!?" The figure jumped back making a ripple. Naruto sniffed the air and picked up the scent of dirt and coal. He pinpointed where the enemy was and charged right at it.

"Obito, Rin, Kakashi! Protect each other! There's more of them hidden!" Kakashi looked back at the group quickly but his gaze turned to anothed figure hidden in the trees. Kurama's ears picked up something but it was too late and three more rock nin came out of hiding. Kurama started a one on one taijustu fight with one of them when they heard a piecrcing scream.

"We'll be taking this one." As the rock nin made the hand signs for a teleportation jutsu Naruto charged at them.

"No! Stop!"

The enemy nin teleported right before Naruto got to them and caused him to slam into the water ground. Beyond angry Naruto punched the ground and yelled.

"Fuck! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Naruto couldn't sense the incoming rock nin but Obito saw it. He tried to stop the fast nin but he was a second to late. His eyes turned red for a bit and Kurama saw this with narrowed eyes.

"Naruto look out!" Naruto's eyes widened when he felt a kunai piecre through his skin and into his body. He stood up though as the rock nin fell back in shock. Kurama felt a spike in chakra and noticed Naruto's slited red eyes.

"Shit the stress went to him."

Naruto dislodged the kunai from his back and twirled it around with a slight grin on his face. Obito and Kakashi fell back at the intense K.I.

"W-What the hell are you?!" Naruto giggled slighty as his sanity started slipping a bit.

"Your worst nightmare." Naruto threw the kunai with force that it dragged the man and pinned him to one of the trees through his throat. The blond looked around and blinked rapidly. He huffed and with wide eyes we looked to see his surroundings.

"What the hell?!?" Obito was the first one to get out of his trance. He couldn't help but have fear dawn over him as Naruto took a step foward.

"Kit, are you okay?" Naruto nodded slightly with shock.

"What the hell happened? What was that K.I. I-I couldn't... even move."

"I-I'm sorry, I...didn't know what came over me." Naruto was still shook up about the whole thing. That was when he felt an excruciating pain. He fell onto the ground holding on his arm.

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