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Knock Knock Knock

Naruto waited patiently as the door opened until it was slightly ajar.

"Yes, who is it?" Naruto put on his best charming smile.

"I'm here to see Fugaku-san." The door opened fully and Naruto looked up to see a beautiful young woman with long silky hair and a healthy white complexion. She looked like Sasuke. It hurt.

"Please wait in the living room and I'll call for him." The blond nodded and thanked her. The woman moved with grace but he knew that people with that much grace were deadly. Uchihas don't just marry a pretty face after all.

The blond's blue eyes looked at every nook and cranny of the large room. He felt tense. The sofa he sat on was the same one he slept on, years back, or was it years into the future? He had only been in the Uchiha compound once, having been stuck in the rain and Sasuke, surprisingly, offered his home to him.

"Who are you?" Naruto grabbed his knees im suprise and turned to look at the man in front of him. Dark hair cascaded slightly passed his shoulders and black eyes narrowed towards him.

"My name is Naruto, I've come to discuss about...your clan. If we may, can we have some privacy?" Fugaku was surprised at the mention of his clan. He looked at the boy throughly. He had the same blond hair and blue eyes as his friend. Maybe they were related, after all not many people have that vibrant shade of blond.

"Hahaoya? Chichue?" Naruto looked past the towering figure in front of him to see a small child with long straight raven hair and large black orbs. He felt his breath get caught.


"Oh sweety did we wake you up?" Itachi shook his head as he walked towards his mother. He hid behind her leg but kept his eyes on the blond.

"Who are you?" Naruto let a small grin grace his features. He went on his knee and ruffled the boy's hair.

"My name's Naruto. You must be Itachi, right?" The dark haired boy nodded. He had never seen such beautiful bright hair before. The Uchiha compound was cold and dark. Same black hair and black eyes, and only sparks of Sharingan red here and there. Such beautiful blond hair similar that to the sun and blue eyes similar to the sky. He wanted to keep that beauty with him.

"Chichue can Naru-chan be my wife? He's very pretty." The family was silent as Naruto's face morphed from a grin to a suprised blush filled face.

"Eh!?" Fugaku coughed into his hand while Mikoto let a giggle pass through her pursed lips. Itachi looked at both his parents and then at Naruto who's face was as red as a tomato.

"Itachi. We'll talk about this later, now, Naruto we'll go to my study. Mikoto if you'd please." The dark haired woman smiled as she picked up the small child.

"I'll go prepare some dinner. Would you like to stay over Naruto-kun?" Naruto looked around awkwardly. He had no reason not to stay.

"Sure but let me warn you! I eat a lot!" He nodded the Mikoto smile grew bigger at the though of more company. The boy reminded her of her best friend, Kushina. The same way his eyes lighted up at the thought of food. She went into the kitchen taking the young Itachi with her.

"So what about my clan did you need to discuss about Naruto?" Naruto closed the door to Fugaku's study and casted a justu. A light blue hue radiated off the walls as Naruto turned. Sound proof.

"Fugaku-san. What I am about to disclose to you is S-rank information, only the Hokage, the Kazekage, Minato, Kushina, know about this." Fugaku nodded. He motioned for the boy to sit across from him.

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