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"Sorry if the house is small. I have a guestroom you can take though!" Minato dragged Naruto towards the bedroom and Naruto smiled awkwardly. Kurama shook his head as he followed both blond's to the room.

"Woah. It's really big!" Naruto looked around and saw that the room itself was slightly bigger than his old apartment. The blue covered bed was small enough for 2 people. The walls were a creamy white and the floor was wooden. There were two windows; one by the bed and the other by the wall adjacent to it. There was a tall lamp in the corner and a door which probably led to a closet.

"Thank you Dad. I-I never thought i would have a room this big. My old apartment was so small I think everything would've fit in this room." Naruto stepped in and a gentle breeze hit his tan face.

"Naruto had a hard life didn't he?" Minato asked as he looked at the boy who resembled him so much. Kurama face morphed into a grimace and he nodded.

"Yeah, but he was a happy child. A miracle he's still sane after all he went through." Minato slightly nodded. If he didn't know any better he would have thought Naruto had lived a wonderful life with loving people around every corner. That he lived without knowing darkness exsited.

"Ahh, Dad are we going on a mission any time soon?" Minato shook his head.

"Well we have 2 days off until our next mission. Even if the war is practically over now we still have a lot of work to finish." Naruto nodded with a small smile.

"Let's go eat Naru-chan."

"Yeah let's go to Ichiraku Ramen!" Naruto grinned and Minato's eyes softened when he saw Kushina in the boy. He definitely was their son.

"Dont call me Naru-chan though. It sounds girly!" Naruto pouted as he stepped out of the room.

"I'll call you whatever I want brat! Im your dear old Dad after all." Minato ruffled Naruto's hair and he heard Kurama's gruff chuckle.

"We should go or else the kit will go on a hissy fit over his "food of the gods". Dumb brat."

"Oi! Don't call me dumb!" Kurama grinned showing off his white fangs.

"And watcha gonna do about it kit~."

"KURAMA!" Naruto tackled the taller male and began throwing punches. Minato let out a laugh as the two rolled around on the dirt floor.

"We should hurry up before the shop closes."

"Ahh! You're lying Dad! Ichiraku closes at 10 and it's barely going to be 8." Minato couldn't believe the kid remembered the time the store closes. Scratch that, he could believe it. He was Kushina's son after all. Naruto grinned as he thought of his beloved ramen. Ever since he got to the village he felt nothing but happiness to see his home again. All his doubts for making a better future washed away when he remembered what he was fighting for. He was back to who he used to be. The 'Naruto' that existed before the war.

"Minato-sensei!" Three heads turned to look at a black haired male coming at them.

"Obito? What are you doing out here at this hour. You should be at home resting."

"Yeah I was gonna but I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a walk. My parents are gone for a mission anyways so they won't know. Unless you tell them Minato-sensei. Oh shoot you won't. Gah! I knew I shoulda avoided you!" Naruto looked at Obito with unshed tears. He looked like he was holding back on something.

"Pfft." Minato looked back to see Naruto covering his mouth as the sound passed through his pursed lips.

"Minato-sensei please don't tell my parents. I promise to come extra earlier for my training forever and ever just dont tell my parents!" Kurama, Minato, and Obito looked at Naruto who couldn't hold in his laughter any longer.

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