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Whoops! I almost forgot to update! Sorry but here's the new chapter! Enjoy!

Black eyes opened slightly as the blurry world focused. Obito yawned slightly as he tried to sit up but felt two arms holding him tightly.

He held his breath as he saw Naruto holding onto him. His scrunched up face, which was nestled on his hip, was an obvious sign of discomfort because of the new positioning and he groaned lightly.

"How cute. The cutie likes to cuddle when he's asleep. I'll make sure to lay down with him next time." Obito's eyes snapped towards the cot Ren slept on. Ren's green orbs swirled with amusement as Naruto's eyes opened slightly. The blond yawned and streched causing his black shirt to ride up showing his stomach. Obito's eyes widened and were traveling to look elsewhere but the black markings on his tan skin caught his attention.

"Ahhh! I'm sorry Obito! I'm just so used to hugging Kyuu in sleep I didn't even notice. I'm really really really sorry."

"I-It's okay Naruto. I understand." Obito sighed as the blond stood up.

"Cutie! Mind getting me some water." Naruto shrugged and grabbed a water bottle from his small bag. He gave the water to the dark haired boy and drank some of his own.

"Gahh, that hit the spot." Naruto said and turned to look at Kakashi and Minato who had woken up from the noise.

"Good morning." Minato yawned out. Kakashi stretched a bit and lifted himself up to grab his backpack.

"I'm going to go take a dip at the river. It should be to the right from us, right Naruto?" Naruto nodded as he poofed in the fishes caught yesterday. It had taken a while to finish breakfeast but by an hour since the sun rose they were ready to keep going. Naruto, opting to wear his spare change of clothes since the other pair was still damp.

"You look cutier in your new clothes Naru-chan."

'He's adding the chan suffix to my name now!" Naruto shook his head. He picked at his clothes a bit. Instead of his usally black and orange jumpsuit he opted to wearing a navy blue muscle shirt with a simple black jacket on top. He wore slightly baggy pants that hung loosely on his hips; his shuriken and kunai pouches were attached to his thigh.

"Let's go. We should make it in 0'900 hours." They all nodded and began a leisurely pace towards Suna.

"So far so good. No enemy-nin spotted and we're just about to cross the border." Naruto gulped. He had a mission of his own when he arrived to Suna. Talk to the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa. While he could not alter the fact that Gaara would become jinchuuriki due to the Daimyō cutting down the budget of the village he could at least help with the sealing. It would change Gaara's life if he or Minato sealed the beast into Gaara rather than Chiyo. It could also bring Suna and Konoha closer together.

Naruto looked up to see the sandstorm that Suna's outskirts provided. He coughed as some of the particles made themselves into his body.

"Here Naruto. I have one for everyone." Minato brought out 4 pairs of a Anti-Dust Breathable Air Masks, a product the merchant had happily given them. Kakashi already having his own mask truged on foward.

"We should've taken the south side. It has calmer weather." Ren said as he put on the mask. He sighed as his cough stopped and took a deep breath.

"We don't have enough supplies for the journey. It would have taken us 2 more days than if we use this path." Kakashi interjected. Ren nodded as he huddled closer to the group, mainly Naruto. Little did he now that another dark haired male saw this and huddled closer to the smaller blond too.

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