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Sky orbs opened slightly, blurry vision leaving as a yawn emitted from the blond's mouth. He sat up and wiped away the small tears that had gathered up when he yawned.

"Boo!" The blond jumped 10 feet into the air with a girlish scream. The cause of his scare cackled with glee at the sight of the once tan but now pale boy.

"Kyuu! Don't do that!" The red head grinned, white fangs sticking out slightly.

"Just wanted to suprise you is all."

"Well you scared the shit out of me. Speaking of which, I need to take a shower." Kyuu gave him a perverted grin and Naruto bonked him on the head.

"Naruto! Are you awake yet? We have another meeting today."

"Yes I'll be down after my shower!" Naruto heard a laugh to girly to be his dad's. Kushina must be here then. But why so early in the morning? He stepped into the shower after making sure to lock the door. Kurama always tried to break in and harasss him somehow.

The nice warm water gently massaged his back in an even rythem. He took a deep sigh as he began to lather his hair. After a good 10 minutes he finished up and stepped out of the shower.

"Look who finally decided to come down." Naruto rolled his eyes but gave the older blond a smile.

"Mom, you're making breakfast?" The red haired Uzumaki nodded with a large grin. She stired the pout and the blond Uzumaki's nose picked up on the smell.

"RAMEN!" Kushina turned with a bigger grin and thumbs up.

"You guessed it. It's included with the Uzumaki special I'll be bringing you guys later-" Minato quickly covered the loud mouthed woman and laughed awkwardly.

"We're having a picnic?" Minato nodded slightly. He pulled his hand away from the loud mouth red head.

"It started at first as a way for Kushina to get closer to the team and now we do it every month." The blond smiled happily. He was going to get ramen for free! He's never tried home cooked ramen before.

"Okay let's head out. Kushina, we'll see you later and don't forget food after you finish your mission." Kushina nodded and, after flipping a few of the dishes, waved a spatula at them.

"Go hurry! Don't pull an Obito on the team." Both blonds laughed as they were kicked out of the house with Kurama following after.

"Let's get going. I bet half of our team is waiting for us." Naruto nodded with a tug of his lips and Minato's eyes widened.

"Let's go." He stood frozen. His eyes were closed so he couldn't tell what emotion the boy was feeling but the smile he has on his face was like a mask. An impenetrable mask blocking any emotion the boy felt.

"Hurry Dad. We don't want to make your team mad at us." That's when it clicked. He followed the blond haired boy with a equally worried red head.

"Oh Naruto. Don't tell me, you feel this way."

After a few minutes Minato, Naruto, and Kurama arrived at the training ground. No one was there.

"That's weird. I thought they'd be here by now," Minato hummed and looked around.

"So we got here early for no good reason! I wanted to sleep in more." The smaller blond pouted.

"Okay go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up when the rest of the team arrives."

"Really!?" Minato nodded and Naruto ran towards the tree, his now usual napping spot.

"Ugh there's no shade on this side. I'm going to be facing training ground 8, okay dad!?"

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