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As soon as he screamed that, Naruto covered his mouth. Thankfully no one noticed the very loud scream and were more shocked than anything about the kiss.

"I-I-I-" Obito tried to speak but all he could so was mumble incoherent words. His face was redder than the sharingan eyes he possessed, something very noticeable due to his creamy white skin. All in all, Obito was broken.

Kakashi was the first to get over the shock as he walked towards Naruto who still was looking everywhere but the Uchiha.

"Are you okay Naruto?" Naruto didn't trust himself to speak and just nodded. He helped Naruto up; the blond's legs wobbling a bit and Kakashi luckily caught him.

"Ahh! S-Sorry Kakashi!" Kakashi blushed as the blue orbs looked directly at him.

"I-It's fine." Naruto gave him a small smile and pushed himself gently away from the blushing teen. 

"Hey everyone. If you're done training lets head over to training ground 12." Minato walked up to the team of teens who displayed various emotions, something he noticed. 

"What happened?" 

"N-NOTHING!" Both Naruto and Obito screamed and the older blonde stepped back in shock. Something happened, that much he knew. He looked towards Rin who had a amused look on her face. 

"Well, okay then. Let's go, you guys already spent most of the day running around and training." 

"What seriously!? What time is it?" The older blond shook his head and looked up. 

"It's a little past 1400 hours." 

"Seriously?" Now Kakashi questioned the blond, who nodded. 

"So...What are we going to do?" The smaller blond ran up to Minato, trying to avoid confrontation with the black haired male. Minato cast a side glance looking at Naruto's, adorable in his eyes, face. 

"What we always do every month. A picnic! Kushina made her food again while Kurama and I brought some deserts." Naruto looked up at him with bright eyes. 

"I'm happy that Naruto is happy. He deserves to be happy with everything he's done for all of us, especially today."  Team 7 finally arrived to training ground where Kurama and Kushina were talking to each other. They turned towards the team with matching grins on their faces. 

"What is all of this?" Naruto looked at the scenery in front of him. Their was a table dead center with a pink box in the middle of the table. Food surrounded the box in various colors making everyone drool at the sight of the delicious looking edibles. The trees were decorated with colorful streamers and lanterns, those in which would probably be lit at night. It was very beautiful. 

"Naruto did you forget?" Naruto rose an eyebrow in confusion as he saw everyone gather at the table. He stood still though.  Why did they decorate the are? It was just a picnic after all. 

He looked through the various faces. His dad had a small grin on his face along with Kushina and Kurama. Kakashi had a smirk, something Naruto could distinguish easily through his years of spending time with Kakashi-sensei. Rin had a beautiful smile on her face, mirroring her current state of mind. Obito...still had a hot blush on his face but was smiling at the blond. Kurama pulled a string connected to one of the trees and unveiled a banner.

Blue eyes widened largely as pearl-shaped tears rolling down his cheeks from wide luminous eyes. He bit his bottom lip as to not release any cries but couldn't help but let out small hiccups.

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