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It had been 2 days since Naruto and Kurama had returned to Konoha. Minato had woken him up early to rush him towards his first official team meeting with Team Minato. Kurama growled at the older blond and opted to stay in bed while he, unwillingly, let go of the blond he had a death grip on. The blond had taken a warm shower causing him to feel even more drowsy. Hence why the blond Uzumaki was currently taking a nap on a small hill that was used as a rest area in the training grounds.

"Minato-sensei!!! I'm here early like I promised!" Minato let out a quick chuckle as the black haired boy paused and erupted into a blushing mess when he saw Naruto who was sleeping on the rather tall grass.

Naruto's head was cushined in a root and he breathed in slowly through his mouth. His chest rose every few seconds. He looked peaceful.

"I'm suprised Rin and Kakashi aren't here yet." Minato slightly frowned. Kakashi usually did come early but not as early as this.

"About...Rin. I wanted to talk to you guys about her but I guess I could tell you right now. Rin won't be a part of Team 7 for a while." Obito stepped back in shock.

"Why?!?" Minato sighed as he sat down on the grass. Obito followed but worry was still present on his face.

"After we returned to Konoha and I sent Kakashi and you home I took Rin to the Analysis Team of the Intelligence Devision lead by Inochi Yamanaka. I got word of it yesterday that Rin had undergone some problems with her head. Seems that the group that kidnapped her had a torture specialist. Her head isn't where its supposed to be and she's become paranoid with constant fear around every corner. It'll take time and willpower but I'm sure Rin will pull through. If all goes well she'll be back within a week. If it takes longer it may take a year." Minato looked down at the young boy. Obito was tiddling his thumbs and let out a low steady sigh.

"She hadn't suffered any mental damage that'll cause long term effects but because she has never been exposed to it like Kakashi, you, and I. Well, you get the idea." Obito slighly jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Obito. If only I had gotten there faster. I..." Naruto had unshed tears trapped in between closed eyes. He messed up again. Even though he saved Obito and Rin from certain death he still couldn't fully save them. Can he really do this? He was beginning to have inklings of doubts again. Obito frowned slightly but gave the blond a smile with a light blush.

"I-It's okay Naruto. And you heard sensei! She'll get better soon and will join our team later!" Naruto looked at Obito and gave him a big grin. It comforted him in a way to have his doubt reassured.


"If we're done explaining can we start our next mission already?" Kakashi hoped down from a tree and Obito growled at him.

"Why are you always such a buzzkill, Kakashi?"

"Obito, what a suprise you came so early today? What caused this rift in the world's balance?" Obito tried to punch Kakashi but he ended up landing on the floor with a loud thud. Kakashi chuckled and Naruto smiled.

"What's our mission Minato-sensei?" Naruto asked the older blond with a questioning gaze in his eyes.

"We're doing an escort mission. It's a high B-rank and we will be protecting a merchant's son on his way to the Sunagakure." Naruto nodded with excitement. He hadn't been on a "normal mission" since before his training trip with Jiraya.

"How old is he?" Obito asked.

"He should be 15-16 years of age. Black hair and green eyes. He's learning about traveling routes. While the actual mission will take a few days we get the rest of the week off. Hokage wants us to meet with the Kazekage and see if we could work out some relations." Naruto groaned.

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