Ch. 11

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Image: - (By: TheSaigou)

Warning: themes of sexual abuse (SA) and rape in this chapter!

* 6 days later*

"So your mission went well?" Minato nodded as he handed over a scroll containing the information for the mission. Sarutobi smiled as the scroll fell into his hand and he placed it on his desk.

"Good job Team 7. Please go to my assistant to get your pay." Naruto grinned as he waved goodbye to the older man. They all followed the hyper boy into the hallway and walked towards the assistant's desk.

"Maa, I wanna go get ramen! That's the first thing I'll do once I get my hands on that beautiful paycheck!" Minato shook his head, having heard that line from a certain red head before. His mind drifted, remembering that he hasn't seen her in such a long time now. His thoughts cut off when he heard a familiar voice.

"Minato, you bastard! Where have you been? I've been looking for you for days." Minato's heart beat as he turned to see the red head in her shinobi gear and her long hair tied into a high ponytail.

"M-Mom."  Naruto felt his breath get shallow as he saw his mom. She was beautiful and alive! Her vibrant red hair he remembered so fondly when he first met her and her blue eyes sparkled. He felt pain on his stomach begin to form, with every step Kushina took towards them.

"Ugh. What the hell? It hurts."

"Ugghh!" Both Naruto and Kushina fell to their knees grabbing their stomachs. Kushina let out a choked sob as she felt a painful tug.

"I-It hurts!" Naruto screamed as he grabbed his stomach and curled into a ball. He felt the tug grow painfully.

"Sensei! What's going on?" They all felt a spike of sinister chakra.

After what felt like an eternity, both forms felt a painful snap. Kushina let out small gasps as she finally felt the pain leave little by little.

"W-what the hell was that?!" Kushina asked as Minato helped her up.

"S-Sorry that's my fault." Naruto said as he stood up slowly. He still felt pain on his stomach but it slowly subsided. He wobbled to his feet and felt a hand hold his arm.

"Thank you Kakashi." Naruto gave the boy a gentle smile and closed his eyes. The pain was so intense he felt he was going to die.

"Kushina, Naruto. Why don't we go home and let him explain Kushina? You guys go collect your pay and go home. We'll meet up later for training." Both Obito and Kakashi reluctantly nodded and waved goodbye to Kushina and Naruto.

"Get well." Obito murmured with a small blush and quickly took off to the lobby.

"I'm Kushina Uzumaki! It's nice to meet you..." Naruto smiled as he shook his mother's warm hand.

"Naruto Namikaze-Uzuamki." The older blond shook his head as Kushina stood their with a confused look on her face.

"Namikaze? Uzumaki? Wait what?"

"Naruto, why don't we talk about that when we get home. Say something else about yourself." Naruto chuckled lightly and looked to the front. The people passed them not sparing a glance at the three.

"I'm 12 years old, currently a chunin, part of Team 7, and that's about it." Kushina nodded slightly.

"Why did that happen earlier? With both of us?"

"You see that's another thing-"

"YOU FUCKING BRAT! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU CAME BACK!" Naruto was tackled by a blur of red. His back impacted with the floor and he let out a choked scream as the heavier form sat on top of him.

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