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"You look wonderful Naru-chan." Naruto looked down at his clothes. He had literally picked whatever clean clothes he had left. A white t-shirt and a black jacket over it with dark blue pants.

"Thanks, you look nice too." Naruto was suprised when a rose made itself present in front of him.

"For you." He grabbed the rose and smiled lightly.

"Let's go!" Naruto dragged the boy to one of the stalls they had. Naruto remembered it all. It was just like before.

"You know a lot about Suna." The blond nodded and began ordering 10 bowls.

"A-Are you sure you're going to finish that?"

"Yeah this is nothing. I'm taking it easy on your wallet!" The blond grinned. Ren gulped as he looked down.

"I'll get a miso ramen." He felt he was going to regret the date later.

"How the hell can Naruto eat so much?" A silver haired boy asked the black haired boy next to him.

"I don't know. Maybe it's some sort of weird justu that converts food into energy. Maybe THAT'S why he's so energitic." Kakashi bonked Obito on the head and the boy groaned as he massaged his abused head.

"He's like a miniature *Oba-chan!" Kakashi blanched. Not another Kushina.

"Even if I want to disagree, I have no choice but to agree." Obito pat the boy in the back as he coped with having another loud-mouth ramen loving person in his life.

"What the hell?! Naruto already ate 5 of the bowls."

"What is wrong with him? What's wrong with Kushina? Is ramen REALLY that good." Obito shook his head and tried to calm Kakashi before he revealed their spot. Talk about reverse of roles.

"So Naru-chan where do you want to go after ramen?" Naruto looked confused while his face was full.

"I thought we were just gonna eat." Finishing his tenth both with a loud slurp, Naruto stood up from the stool.

"D-Don't you want to go anywhere else?!" Ren was desperate to have the blond boy to himself at least for a day. He had never met anyone so outgoing and strong yet at the same time cute and wonderful.

"Ummm, not really. Do you wanna go anywhere?" Ren's brain tried to rack up ideas on where to go. Lightbulb.

"Want to get some ice cream. Suna's known for it's amazing and unique flavors."

"I've never had ice cream."

"How the hell has he never had ice cream?" Obito looked at Kakashi expecting answer but the silver haired boy was just as confused.

"We don't know a lot about Naruto, do we?" Obito looked at the blond who's face was covered by his golden locks. Kakashi nodded.

"He's a mystery."

"Or maybe we don't try to get to know him." Both boys sat in silence as they saw the other two pay for the ramen. They walked casually and chatted about different topics.

Favorite food, Kakashi died when the boy said "ramen was the food of the Gods" exactly like Kushina would.

Favorite color, Obito grinned at the boy's choice. It was obvious by how he dressed. He had orange on his clothes even if it was just a bit.

Favorite flower, both Kakashi and Obito grimiced as Ren asked the oh so obvious question to get Naruto the flowers.

"Hmm, I like Jofuku Flowers. I remember getting them once for a sensei and they smelled really nice."

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