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Naruto woke up in a cold sweat. He looked around wondering where he was. He closed his eyes trying to remember the events that happened just yesterday. Kaguya, Sasuke, the portal, Minato. Everything.

"Are you okay kit?" Naruto whipped his head to the side where Kurama was sitting up.

"Y-Yeah just a bad dream." Naruto inhaled deeply and sighed, his erratic heart beginning to slow into a comforting pace.

"Ah, you're awake. It's time to start moving again so hurry up and help pack everything." Minato looked at Naruto as a smile graced his face. Naruto smiled back and stood up beginning to help. It took awhile but they managed to collect everything and cover any telrace that they were there.

Everyone was silent as they made their way into enemy territory. Naruto was tense and kept looking everywhere around him. Kakashi never said where excalty Obito died. He had to be aware of everything and Kurama can see this. He put a reassuring hand in Naruto's shoulder.

Suddenly Kakashi stopped and held out his hand to motion the rest of them to halt as well. Naruto stiffened and didn't even realized that he was holding his breath. Naruto leaned slightly into Kurama as they all hid behind a large fallen tree. Minato looked at Kakashi with a smile.

'Good work Kakashi.'

Minato kneeled down and placed his index finger on the ground, trying to find a trace of the enemies chakra.

'Only one of them? No…'

"Everyone be on your guard. There are twenty of them. Although, it could be a Bunshin."

"Ah, then I'll attack them. Can you cover me sensei?"

Naruto looked at Kakashi in worry. He knew Kakashi could, he was strong but Naruto couldn't help but be consumed with worry.

"Don't be hasty Kakashi, if they are Bushin then there is no use of wasting chakra." Minato had no doubts in Kakashi's skills as a ninja, but he wanted to ensure the safety of all of his students before he left them to continue the mission alone.

Kakashi, though, chose to ignore Minato and performed a few hand signs.

"Did you forget Minato-sensei? I'm captain of the team today. Besides, there's a new jutsu I've been working on that I want to test."

Naruto watched as Kakashi held his right hand with his left, a flickering bluish hue of chakra began to form. Naruto immediately recognized it as the Chidori. He remembered when he first saw the move being used by Kakashi-sensei in the Land of Waves when he was trying to kill Zabuza but instead ended up killing Haku. He knew how much of a genius Kakashi was when he was young but he couldn't help but stare in awe.

"Even if there are twenty or more of them I can take them down in a flash. It'll be just like your nickname." Kakashi set his gaze forward, determined to show Minato that he was a worthy jounin of Konoha and more than capable of handling this mission. He was ready.

"And I'm the captain. The rule says that the team must obey their captain's orders." Minato's face was blank as he withdrew his hand. Kakashi was right, he had to obey his orders for now. Kakashi dashed off as he located the enemy easily and dashed towards him and attacked. The rock shinobi only showed a sign of surprise on his face before he went up in smoke.

'Aa, bushin, sensei was right.' Kakashi leapt up into the tree and spotted more clones scattered around the area. He quickly attacked and defeated them one by one with no difficulty.

While Kakashi was handling the clones around him, one of them crept up behind the other two unsuspecting genin. Kurama picked up the rustling of leaves and Naruto could smell the change of the surrounding area.

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