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"Finally! I thought we would never finish destroying this shitty bridge." Kurama said outloud as he kicked the last chunk of rock into the water.

"I made sure the soil wasn't stable for any future plans for the bridge. There are around 20 miles of land before they find a place to make a bridge now." Kakashi said as he sat down.

"Now all we have to do is wait for Minato-sensei and Rin to come back!" Kurama glared at the ground. The kit was taking to long now. His patience was wearing down little by little.

"The sky is so beautiful today." Obito said as he gazed up at the blue sky. The clouds were fluffy and pure white. There wasn't a dark cloud in the sky. It reminded Kurama of Naruto's blue eyes that were filled with hope and determination.

"I want to apologize." Kakashi said as he looked above.

"I-I thought that people want me to be a shinobi who follow the rules but I realized that I don't want to be that. I hope that you will forgive me Obito." Obito was shocked to say the least but he gave Kakashi a smile.

"I want to apologize too. I never thought to ask why you worried so much about following rules. I should've been more considerate." Obito rubbed his neck and grinned awkwardly. Kurama only shook his head at the two brats.

"Uh, Kyuu your pouch has a purple light on." Obito pointed to the small brown pouch that expelled a bright light. Kurama's eyes snapped towards it. He opened the pouch and unraveled a scroll. In a puff Rin's body appeared and he caught her with both arms.

"S-She's unresponsive!"

"Is she-"

"No she's just under a genjustu." Kurama muttered 'Kai' under his breath and Rin's eyes snapped back to her normal eye color hue.

"W-Where am I?"

"Rin you're safe! Now all we need is Minato-sensei to complete his part of the mission and we can go back!" Obito grinned as he took Rin from Kurama's arms and set her down.

"Where's Naruto?" Rin looked up at Kurama's shaking form.


"You heard me! Where is he?!" Kurama grabbed the younger girl's shirt and brought her face up close. His eyes were blood red and his slited pupil caused her to shrink in fear.

"Hey! Kyuu leave her alone!" Kurama growled at the boy who pulled at his arm. He didn't budge. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He let the girl go and clutched his stomach where the seal was placed for his chakra.

"N-Naruto? What's going on?" Kurama tried to get up but after on step he puffed away.

"Where did he go?"

"Shushin maybe?"

"No he puffed like it was a clone."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes to where Kurama had previously been. They had to make a choice: go back for Naruto or wait for Minato.

"We should go for hi-"

"NO!" They were suprised to hear Rin shout.

"W-We cant go back there! They'll kill me. I dont want to go back!" Obito felt his heart pang. What happened to her?

"What did they do to you?" Kakashi said with eyes narrowed towards Rin. Rin blushed under his gaze.

"N-Nothing! I just dont want to go back there. Naruto's proabably dead anyways. Lets just wait for Minato-sensei then we ca-"



"Why are you so opposed to saving Naruto?" Kakashi couldn't understand it. The girl was, while annoying as his other fangirls, sweet. She was like a calmer version of Obito. She would save him in a heartbeat.

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