Chapter 1

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I'm Mariana Torres, and I'm 15 years old. No, I'm not like every other teenager, I'm a bit more difficult, harder to handle, or at least that's what my mom says anyway.

"Mariana, get your fat ass up!" Mom yelled in my ear. I absolutely hate when she does that, especially when her breath reeks of alcohol.

Yes, my mother is an alcoholic. I don't blame her, my father committed suicide a few years ago, and ever since then, she's been a complete wreck. I have to say, I love my father more than I will ever love myself. He's a special person to me, and he always will be.

Anyway, I got up out of my bed and hopped into the shower. I'd usually shave, but I figured that it doesn't matter because it's winter, and I never wear my legs out. After 15 minutes of my mom yelling at me to hurry up, I finally got out of the shower.

She didn't rush me because she needed the shower, in fact, we have five showers and bathrooms in our house. My mom and my dad are both lawyers so they make a lot of money, well my mom does anyway.

I dried my hair and covered most of the bruises on my face. Yes, my mom is abusive, but we'll get to that another time. I walked downstairs, and sat on the couch waiting for my mom to finish eating breakfast.

"Let's go shit head." She said as she whacked the back of my head. I sighed, and rolled my eyes. You'd think she'd feel bad about the way that she treats me.

I walked out to the car, and sat in the backseat. God knows that if I sat in the front seat, it would be a hell of a ride.

As we pulled up to school, I unlocked the door, and got out. "Don't get in any trouble." She snapped. I'm not surprised she said that. It's not that I get in trouble a lot, it's just that when I do, it's never good.

As I walked into school, I began searching for my friends. I only have three, but they're the best I've ever had. There's Jaxon, Mila, and Carmen. "Boo!" They all yelled from behind me, obviously scaring the shit out of me.

"Jeez, give me a heart attack why don't you!" I said laughing. We all gave each other a fist bump, and exploded it after. It's just what we do.

"Ready for Mrs. Levi's class?" Jaxon said smirking. I rolled my eyes. If there's a teacher that I hate, it'd be Mrs. Levi. She's the worst! I get in trouble in her class more than I do at home, and that's saying something!

"Hey, I'll see you guys in there. I've got to use the bathroom." I said breaking off from the group and heading towards the bathroom. I knew that I'd be late, but I didn't really care. She's always got an excuse to yell at me.

After I did my business, I walked out to wash my hands, but instead of peacefully being able to wash them, I ran into Jessica. There's always at least one mean girl in every school, and that mean girl in mine is her.

"Watch where you're going, you fat fuck." She said. I laughed. Every day she has a weak insult to throw at me. "Is that all you could seem to come up with?" I asked moving past her.

I'm lucky today, usually she'd turn around and punch me, but I see that she actually has to pee today. Almost all of the time, she's only in here to do her makeup.

I made it out alive and walked down the hall to Mrs. Levi's classroom, and now here comes the fun. I opened the door, trying to be quiet, but the door squeaked pretty loud.

"Excuse me, Mariana. Where have you been?" She asked, putting down her book and crossing her arms.

"I had to take a piss. Is that alright with you?" I asked. See, here's the problem, I'm never the one to hold back what I have to say. If I think it, I speak it. My mouth gets me in trouble.

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