Chapter 18

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*Mariana's POV*

I hear pebbles being thrown at my window. You'd think that people would be considerate of the glass that could scratch when throwing them. I sighed, but I got out of bed and went over to my window.

I noticed that it was the boy from last night and debated on whether I should go back to sleep or not, but he's just so damn perfect.

I opened the window, "What do you want? I don't even know your name." I said exhausted. Last night was indeed a rough night for me.

"It's Chris." He said. I laughed, that's a fuck boy kind of name.

"Listen, princess. I'm sorry for how I acted last night. I had some things on my mind and I wasn't myself. If you would please allow us to start over, I'd appreciate that very much." I smiled and cursed myself for my weakness.

I nodded and he pulled out a cup of Starbucks and some flowers from behind his back. I covered my face and smiled before going downstairs to meet him. I walked near the door and noticed Demi and Nick cuddled up on the couch which made me gag.

I know, they're very cute, but what I saw yesterday wasn't too pretty.

I went outside and slammed the door behind me before being picked up and spun around by Chris as he kissed me all over my face. I laughed as he put me down and handed me the flowers and the Starbucks.

"I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." He said as he kissed me one more time before driving away. I wish he could stay longer, but I shrugged it off and left back inside of the house.

I went downstairs and found the small table in the living room and placed the flowers down on the table.

"I'm going for a walk." I told Demi as I prepared to leave, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me down on the couch beside her. I groaned.

"I don't care whether you like it or not, but Nick and I are a couple now and I think that it's best that I told you." Demi said. It's almost as if she were trying to be serious,  but when  she mentioned Nick, a smile crept upon her face.

I stayed silent. "I apologize for you walking in on us, I wasn't expecting it." She said.

"Well, I was expecting you to look for me, not Nick's dick." I said and grabbed my coat before walking out of the door. I heard Nick laugh, but Demi hit him.

I left to the nearest park by the house and found a bench to sit down. I almost began to get deep in my thoughts, but a girl who appeared to be my age came and sat down next to me. She had blond hair and blue eyes and had a smile plastered on her face.

"Hi! I'm Kayleen." She said loudly. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Mariana." I said shortly. It still didn't affect her facial expression.

"I'm sorry. Am I bothering you or something? You seemed lonely, and I was looking for a friend. I just wanted to come over and meet you." She said appearing to be sad. Okay, now I feel like a bitch. Great.

"No. I'm just having a rough time right now. You're absolutely fine." I said smiling a bit. It's the least that I could do.

"I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself. You already know that my name is Kayleen, I'm 15 years old and I live down the street. I live with my mom and my dad and I just enjoy life." She said cheerfully.

I wish that I could enjoy life as much as she does.

"I'm glad that you have something worth living for. I'm Mariana Torres, I lived with my mom, dad, and sister. Now, I live with my adoptive mother, Demi, because my sister was kidnapped, my father committed suicide, and my mother left me because she's an alcoholic and she's abused me daily." I said.

I've never taken time to realize how awful my life is until now.

I looked up and saw that Kayleen was standing up and forcing back her tears. She cleared her throat and held out her hand to help me stand up. I assumed we were walking, so I told her where my house was and she began to walk me there.

"We're all in the same game; Just different levels;  Dealing with the same hell; Just a different devil." She whispered loud enough so that i could hear her.

"I don't want to play anymore." I said truthfully.

"I don't know what you're going through, but I hope that I'm around long enough to help you go through whatever it is. I'm going to be here for you even if I just met you and I feel like my goal in life is to help others and that is what I intend on doing. Don't hurt yourself, please. Stay strong." She said which actually inspired me. I didn't even notice that we were outside of my house.

"I'll try." I nodded and gave her a hug before walking back into the house.

i sighed and shut the door behind me.

I walked downstairs and noticed that Nick had left and Demi was alone watching the news and texting her best friend, Marissa, on her phone. I sat down on the couch beside her and watched the news along with her.

"So, who was the girl that walked you here? And, gave you a hug?" Demi asked.

"A girl I met at the park." I said as I focused in on the news.

"You know, it's okay if you-" Demi began, but I rolled my eyes and stopped her. She knows I have a boyfriend.

"Demi, do me a favor and shut up." I laughed. I picked up Batman and sat him on my lap.

"Demi Lovato's little sister Madison De La Garza caught kissing a boy? Madison was found in the park kissing an unkown boy that we've never seen before!" The news anchor spoke. I quickly came closer to the tv and noticed that the boy looked a lot like Chris.

Another image came onto the screen and in that moment I was absolutely sure that it was Chris. I don't know how he got to Texas so fast, but I'm never going to let this rest.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?" Demi asked.

I stayed quiet and focused on the tv.

It's for the best.

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