Chapter 23

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Mariana's POV
"So, you know about the baby?" Demi asked, interrupting our conversation.

"What baby, Demi?" I asked, clueless. The reaction on Demi's face? Priceless. Demi muttered 'Shit' underneath her breath.

I stood up and walked closer to Demi, "So, you're pregnant Demetria?"

"Don't call me that ever again— I didn't want you to find out this way. I'd hoped for Nick and I to sit down with you and tell you that way, I'm so sorry." Demi blurted.

"You know what... finding that pregnancy test on your bathroom counter shouldn't have been the way I found out either! You should have been more careful, Demi!" I said, slamming the test on the nearest table.

"Baby, I'm so- I'm sorry." Demi said, tearing up.

"I don't care, leave me alone." I said, pushing her away as I left the room, but the horrid yells escaping from Demi's mouth as she collapsed to the floor stopped me in my tracks.

"Nick!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I ran to Demi's side, holding her up. Nick rushes upstairs and pushes me to the side as he picks Demi up into his arms and runs her downstairs onto the couch.

"Call 911!" He shouts as he begins to comfort her.

I moved towards the wall, resting my head inside my knees as I heard the sounds of Demi's pain. I quickly pulled myself together as I grabbed my cellphone, prepared to call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A female operator spoke. After a few seconds of silence, "Hello?" she spoke again.

"H-Hi. I'm Mariana Lovato, and I- Demi Lovato. She's pregnant and needs an emergency- please! Just come, now!" I shouted into the phone before hearing sirens wailing in the distance. I ended the call and ran into my room and slammed the bathroom door shut behind me. I scrambled for the famous piece of metal, so close to my heart, but the bathroom door opened before I had a chance to find anything.

"Mariana! What are you doing? Don't you think what you did to Demi was a bit harsh?" Kayleen asked. I didn't want her to know about the panic attack I'm silently suffering through, so I took a deep breath and made sure my sentences sounded alright before they exited my mouth.

"No. It wasn't. I think you should go home now." I said, harsher than I had planned to.

As soon as Kayleen left, I sat on my bed, giving up on the urge to find that shiny piece of metal. It'd be selfish. Demi's hurt, and I'm thinking about harming myself. Then again, it's all my fault. If I wouldn't have pushed her. If I wouldn't have been so cruel to her, maybe-

"The ambulance just came and picked up Demi, we should head towards the hospital." Nick said, interrupting the harsh thoughts going through my mind.

"I'm not going. I'm too tired." I whined. Once again, selfish.

"Well, you don't have a choice. Get up, and meet me in the car in 2 minutes. If you're not in the car in 2 minutes, then-" Nick said, frustrated. "Then, what?" I interrupted him. He scoffed and turned around, walking outside of the door.

I decided to not be an asshole for once, and followed him out to the car in less than 2 minutes. I struggled putting on my seatbelt, I'm scared. I'm scared about Demi. I love her, and I've hurt her.

"You know, you didn't have to push her like you did. If you knew she's pregnant, why would you even do that in the first place?" Nick said. I rolled my eyes, clearly not in the mood for his shit today.

"Nick, I've had enough. Stop trying to act like you have the slightest bit of authority over me, because you don't. You're a liar, just like Demi. Stay out of my business, because what's between Demi and I doesn't concern you. Mind your damn business, Nick!" I screamed more than spoke. I feel kind of bad, but it just felt so good.

Nick stared at me in shock, but didn't say anything.

"What're you looking at? Eyes on the road." I directed him.

After arriving at the hospital, tons of paparazzi swarmed the entrance, but we made it through and up to Demi's room. As Nick opened the door, I felt a cloud of guilt linger over my head. I feel terrible.

"Baby girl." Demi started, but I rushed to her side and gave her the warmest hug I've ever given anyone. "I'm sorry, Demi. I didn't mean to do any of this. I shouldn't have been so rough, I love you." I cried.

Demi laughed, but wiped her tears simultaneously. "Baby girl, you had nothing to do with this. I've just been having horrible cramps lately and that's all that this was. It's not your fault, and I'm sorry for not telling you about the pregnancy." Demi apologized.

"I'm so relieved. I still apologize for not being understanding. It's a hard thing to tell someone." I nodded.

Demi looked at Nick, and Nick looked at Demi. Then, they both looked at me. "What's going on between you two?" Demi said with a raised eyebrow, "Speak, Nick." He looked startled.

"Well, I told her that if she didn't get in the car in 2 minutes, then I'd-" Nick stuttered.

"Then, you'd what? See, Nick. You're my boyfriend, but you're not Mariana's dad or anything. Out of all respect, never cross my daughter like that. It'd mean a lot if you left our relationship alone, it has nothing to do with you. I still love you, and I always will. Thank you babe." Demi said, smiling.

Nick angrily stormed out of the room, obviously upset from what Demi had said. Demi laughed, but I didn't. Is that how he handles situations? This child-

A knock interrupted my thoughts as a doctor slipped into the room, looking as if she has bad news for us. Demi laughed, "You look a bit sad there, what? Did I lose the baby or something?". The doctor didn't say anything after, but her face grew with a look of remorse.

"I- I lost my baby." Demi said as reality hit her. Tears came to my eyes as I rushed over to Demi's side and sat in the bed with her.

All Demi could do was cuddle next to me and rest her head on my chest. Nick had stormed out right when Demi needed him most. But, Nick isn't important. As long as I am here with her.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Lovato. The pain you felt was the pain of the miscarriage. You're free to go whenever you're ready, but take your time. There's no rush. Have a wonderful night Miss Lovato." The doctor said, leaving the room. I peeped outside of the door and Nick was nowhere in sight. Boy, is he going to hear it from Demi.

"I- I don't understand why this happened to me. I've been so excited lately, and I truly believed I'm ready to be a mother of two kids." Demi cried. I held her closer to me, as I tried to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, Demi. I can't answer why exactly this happened to you, but it happened for a reason. Something bigger and better will come along and even though you're no longer pregnant, you're always number one in my heart, Mom." I croaked. I'm a bit sentimental too. I hate seeing Demi like this. It tears me to pieces.

Just as I finished, Nick entered the room with a stupid look on his face. Well, it was a sad face, but all of his faces look stupid to me because it's Nick.

"Babe, I heard what-" Nick started, but Demi interrupted. "You weren't here for the news, so you don't get to suffer through the pain with us. Get the fuck out, Nick."

Okay, Mom, go off.

"What happened to you'll love me always? Huh? Why are you doing this to me?" Nick said.

"Nick, I'll never stop loving you. But I realized I need to let you go the second you walked out of that door and left me alone. Goodbye, Nick." Demi said in tears, facing the wall.

My heart broke, Nick's stone cold heart broke, but Demi's heart shattered.

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