Chapter 10

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*Mariana's POV*

"Mariana, what's this?" Demi said holding out the piece of metal in her hands. I tried my best not to tense up, but I don't know if that worked. I shrugged and grabbed it out of her hands.

"I had a package and I needed to open it." I said with a small smile. Damn, she never seems to buy anything I say! She gave me an unconvinced look before exiting the room and walking back downstairs.

I grabbed my school bag and followed shortly after her. I noticed that she was only drinking a cup of coffee. I grabbed a banana and stuffed it into my bag. She noticed and she smiled. Who's going to eat that? Not I.

"Let's go before you're late." Demi said while picking up her car keys. I nodded and walked out towards the car. No offense to Demi, but I hope that nobody notices that Demi is dropping me off. It's not the kind of attention that I need.

Pulling up to school, I noticed that Jessica was outside. She looked my way and suddenly, her eyes lit up. I rolled my eyes as she ran over towards the car. Demi noticed and let down the window. "Mariana! I didn't know that you knew Demi Lovato." She said. This is the nicest I've ever heard her talk in a while.

"I don't know, maybe I didn't tell you because you're a bitch." I said, and Demi gasped, but didn't say anything. "I am not!" Jessica argued. I groaned as she began talking to Demi, but Demi apparently didn't want to hear it.

"Well, Jessica? If she says you're a bitch... then you're probably a bitch. Get away from my car." Demi said smiling. I burst into laughter as Jessica stomped away from the car. Demi leaned over and kissed me on the forehead before I got out of the car.

As I walked into school, I didn't see any of my friends. I shrugged, and continued to walk to the devil's class. I groaned as I opened the door and took my seat. Mrs. Levi noticed me and started walking my way. I never get a break.

"I don't appreciate the way you walked out of my class the other day. It wasn't appropriate and I'd like it if you apologized to me. Also, you're staying after school for the next two weeks for detention." She smirked. I prepared myself for what I was going to say.

"I've had it up to here with you and your bullshit. Everyday it's something new with you! If you want to yell at somebody, yell at somebody who actually cares. For months I've been putting up with your shit, and I'm fucking tired of it. I don't give two fucks about you or this class, so I suggest you leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled. She looked frightened, but that look didn't last long. Before I knew it, her eyes turned into fire.

"If you don't go straight to the principal's office, you'll be in even more trouble. Go!" She screamed. By now, the whole class was looking and talking about it. I grabbed my things, and stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door behind me.

I marched to the principal's office pissed off. I can't believe she expects me to stay calm after she's been putting me through so much. I opened the door, and she looked up and stood up. "I'm disappointed." She spoke. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Yeah, whatever. Just call Demi." I said. She sat down and began to dial her number while I scrolled through Twitter. About five minutes later, an angry Demi came through the door. I haven't seen her this angry since the altercation with her mom.

After the situation had been spoken of, the principal began to speak of consequences. "It's only what's fair. Mariana is suspended for two weeks. This has been going on for a while now, and she needs time off to think about what she's done." She said. I groaned, but kept going through my phone. Well, that is until Demi snatched it out of my hand and put it into her purse.

Demi grabbed my wrist and forced me out of the seat and the building. As soon as we exited the building, I broke away from her grip. "Demi, you can't just take my phone like that!" I yelled as she walked to her side of the car.

"I believe I can! You shouldn't have been disrespectful to your teacher!" She said back. I sat in the passenger seat, and bucked my seatbelt. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"You're not even my real mom!" I yelled. It got quiet, and Demi stared into my eyes with tears threatening to spill at any moment. She turned away, and began to drive. It felt like I had just been stabbed in the heart, but it must have been worse for her. I know that she's sensitive and that must have hurt her bad.

"Demi, I didn't mean that." I said. I held her arm, but she didn't move besides when she had to turn the wheel. She wasn't talking to me. It hurts, coming from Demi.

"Please, Demi? Talk to me. I'm sorry." I said, but I eventually gave up. I didn't think she'd want to talk to me anytime soon. As I walked into the house, it was around lunch time, so she went downstairs and began cooking.

I had noticed that it'd been an hour since she had started cooking. So, I walked downstairs and saw her washing the dishes. "Aren't you going to make me eat?" I asked, but once again she ignored me. I huffed and went back upstairs.

I made it all the way to the top before a tear came out of my eye. What's getting into me? I haven't cried because of something I did to someone before. I walked into my room and headed for the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and found my shoebox sitting on the floor. Now that I think about it, that's a risky spot to place it.

I grabbed a sharp blade and placed it on my wrist. I let out all of the emotions that I had kept inside before allowing the blood to freely flow. I sat there lost in my thoughts before I heard knocks on the door.

"It's me. Can we talk?" Demi said.

I quickly stood up and grabbed a black towel wiping up the blood on the floor. I ran cold water on my wrist and carefully washed it before putting a bandage on it and rolling my sleeves down.

I walked over to the door and opened it. Demi's eyes were red, but she had a small smile plastered on her face. Before I could process it, Demi wrapped her arms around me and held me. "I'm sorry, Demi." I cried into her arms. She nodded and released me and walked me over to sit on the bed.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted." She explained. I nodded. "It's okay. I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it. Thank you for everything." I said. She smiled and stood up.

"I love you." She said. "But, we'regoingtotexasinthemorningtovisitmyparents." She said quickly. "What?" I said laughing and standing up. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"In the morning, we're going to Texas to visit my family." She said. She looked scared. I rolled my eyes. Such a sweet moment ruined. "They hate me!" I said. Her eyes softened and she pulled me into another hug.

"They'll love you. And, if something happens, we can always turn around and go back home. Deal?" She said holding out her pinky. I laughed at her childishness.

"Deal." I mumbled.

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