Chapter 27

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*Demi's POV*

I immediately rushed to the hospital, because if what I heard over the phone is true, my life is changing.

"Hi, I'm Demi Lovato here for Dr. Mullen." I asked the receptionist. "Sure, room 2A. But, could I have an autograph?" She asked. I politely signed her book she had. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans, but sometimes they just ask for signatures in the wrong places.

I made my way down to room 2A before I realized that I probably should have brought Mariana with me. If it's true then I'll make sure that she's the first one to know.

"Hi, Miss Lovato. It's a pleasure to see you again." Dr. Mullen said.

"Yeah, nice to see you too. Is it true?" I asked, impatiently.

"Yes, Miss Lovato. It seems that we've overlooked that you were having twins in your last ultrasound. When you experienced a miscarriage, it was only one child. You still are pregnant Miss Lovato. Congratulations." She said, smiling.

Holy shit. I'm pregnant. And it's Nick's baby.

After thanking the doctor and performing another ultrasound, I grabbed my keys and purse and left out to my car, calling Mariana.

"Hey, mom." She said. Just hearing her say 'Mom' felt right.

"Hey baby girl. Are you home yet? I need to talk to you. Also, do you need anything before I come home?" I asked, smiling. I'm quite excited. Don't worry, I'm talking on the phone through my car.

"Yes, I'm here. Selena's here, also. And I don't need anything thank you." She said, you could hear Selena's voice in the background talking to the tv.

"Okay, see you when I get home, I love you." I said before hanging up the phone.

Wow, this is really Nick's child. I don't want him anywhere near my child when it comes. Matter of fact, I don't want him near me at all. I can't believe it.

I arrived home and opened the door to see Selena and Mariana cuddling on the couch watching what appeared to be Twilight. I slammed the door shut so that they'd pay attention to me. It might have scared the hell out of them, but it worked.

"I have some news." I said, clearly too excited to speak. They both sat up, intrigued. "I'm pregnant." I said, jumping up and down.

Both Mariana and Selena rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. "The Dr. said that I was originally having twins, but when I suffered through the miscarriage, only one of them died, so I'm still pregnant with the other one." I explained.

"I'm so happy for you, Dems. You're the best mom." Selena squealed.

I laughed, and Mariana pulled me closer and held me tighter. What's up with this.

After two movies and four bowls of popcorn later, Selena left, leaving Mariana and I cuddled up on the couch together. I kissed her forehead, "Baby girl?" I asked, to see if she were up.

"Yes, mama?" She asked.

"You know that once I have this baby, you're still my baby girl, right?" I asked. I hope she doesn't feel like I'm going to forget about her. I don't want her to feel that way, because I will always love her, no matter what.

"Yes, I know." She said, but she didn't sound convinced. I'm going to have to show her.

"Alright, let's go get ready for bed. You have school in the morning. I'll wake you up and take you, and pick you up." I told her as she nodded and let me carry her upstairs into her room. "Want to sleep with me tonight?" I asked her, and she nodded. So I picked the princess back up and carried her into my room for the night.

I love my baby girl.

I felt Mariana's breath slow down, which meant that she's sleeping. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of her, she's just so adorable. How could anyone not love her and treat her like the princess she is? I mean, she would be the queen if I weren't.

I laughed at my own jokes, before I heard a knock at the door. I separated myself from Mariana and went downstairs in a robe to open the door, only to see Nick staring into my brown eyes.

"Nick, what are you-" I began to speak, angrily, but I was cut off by his smooth lips connecting with mine in a passionate kiss. A make up kiss. That's what it was. And we all know what that leads to.

He released from the kiss only to join his lips with mine again as he slowly moved us inside, closing the door behind him. He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and moved towards the couch before throwing down. His chest met mine.

"Nick, I don't think-" I said, overwhelmed by how much I liked and needed this.

"Stop thinking and just do. I messed up, and I miss you." He said as he laid kisses down the front of my body. Oh yeah, I definitely missed this. He connected his lips with mine once again before-

"I missed that." Nick said, panting. "I agree." I said as I bit my lip.

Nick sat up and glanced at me without a robe on and licked his lips, which made me laugh. It's him being stupid, not sexy. I grabbed my robe and walked towards the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry, Demi. I messed up big time. I'm sorry about the miscarriage, and I'm sorry I left you. I shouldn't have done that and I won't ever do it again, baby. You mean everything to me. And I respect you and Mariana's relationship. I won't interfere again, I promise." He said sincerely. I believe him.

"Nick, I'm sorry too. I also, want you to know that I'm still pregnant." I said, shyly. I didn't want to tell him, but look where we are. His eyes lit up and he picked me up and turned me around before kissing me once again.

"I'm glad you're still pregnant, because I'm ready to raise this baby with you." Nick smiled, before throwing me back on the couch. "Round 2!" He screamed.

And I'm ready.

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