Chapter 22

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*Mariana's POV*

It's been a while since I've talked to Demi, and that's not good. I mean, she's doing work right now, but she's never been too busy not to talk to me when I needed to talk.

I strolled downstairs and sure enough, there sat Demi on the phone with her manager. I decided to just wait until she got off of the phone, maybe then we can go out to Starbucks or something. Just like we used to.

"No, not acceptable. Goodbye." Demi said angrily before hanging up the phone. I took this as my chance to approach her.

"Mom?" I asked. Demi rolled her eyes, "What? What do you want?" She snapped. Well, damn Demetria.

"Nothing, bitch." I said before walking up the stairs and slamming my room door. What makes her think that she can go around talking to people like that? I know that's she's stressed, but that's no reason to snap at me the way that she did!

"Mariana, I'm coming in." Demi said solemnly.

"What? What do you want?" I said mocking her, but releasing a slight smirk after. It actually made her smile. Mission failed.

"Baby girl, come here." She said opening her arms out wide. I can't resist this woman, even if sometimes she's a pain in the ass.

I go over into her arms and she pulls me into a tight hug and kisses my forehead. "I love you, baby girl. I'm just under a lot of stress right now and I'm sorry that I took it out on you. You didn't do anything wrong." Demi says with regret in her voice.

I roll my eyes and smile. "It's fine. I know you love me." I said as I released from her hug and began to prepare my shower. As Demi left, I remembered that I left my towel in her bathroom, so I ran into her room and barged in. It's not like she's in there, so there's nothing wrong with it.

But, as I grabbed my towel, I noticed a stick laying beside it on the sink. "A pregnancy test?" I said slightly aloud. I covered my mouth, grabbed it and got out of there as quickly as possible.

I ran into my own bathroom and locked the door shut, sitting on the ground. I uncovered the pregnancy test hidden by my towel, and revealed its test results...


I can't believe that Demi is pregnant and she didn't tell me! I thought we were actually close enough for that? I mean, I and Nick should be the first people to know! Right?

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear shuffling through the walls and low chatter between Nick and Demi.

"I'm more than sure I placed it on the sink, but maybe I already threw it away. I don't know, it'll show up later. I just hope that Mariana doesn't get a hold to it. And yes, I know you're happy about it, but I'm scared. Are we ready for this?" Demi said.

"I know we're ready for this. You're not alone. I'm here with you and I will have just as much responsibility as you will. I love you Demi, and I'll never leave you. Just, trust me baby." Nick said thoughtfully.

I smiled for a quick second, but it vanished after I remembered that I was angry. I hid the pregnancy test under my bathroom sink, and grabbed some clothes to put on before leaving the house quietly.

After reaching the park, I ran over to Kayleen and immediately began to tell her the situation, and let me tell you that it did take a while. I'm more than upset.

"Well, Mariana. I think that you should confront Demi about the situation and tell her how you feel," She began. "I mean, how is Demi supposed to know how you feel or why you're angry if you don't tell her? She can't read minds." Kayleen said.

I scoffed, "It doesn't seem like you're on my side right now, but that's beside the point. I think I'll just wait." I said unsure.

"You could be waiting forever you know..." Kayleen whispered.

"Only forever." I said gently before standing up and grabbing Kayleen's hand, helping her up.

It's not too long of a walk from the park back to my house, so we decided to go there and maybe she'll spend the night or something. I don't know.

I opened the door, but quickly told Kayleen not to make a sound or say a word after hearing silent chatter between Nick and Demi.

"Nick, I don't know how Mariana will react. I don't want her to be angry at me, but I also can't betray her trust either." Demi said.

"Mariana will be fine, the only thing we can do is give her time in this type of situation. The girl isn't predictable and she never will be, which means that we can only tell her, and if she's not okay with it then she'll tell you. I'm sure she's mature enough to speak to you about her feelings, baby. It's alright." Nick said, hugging Demi tighter.

Frustrated, I slammed the door behind me without turning my head. I finally met eyes with both Nick and Demi, both of them having that familiar look of fear on their face.

"Mariana, baby girl. How long have you guys been there?" Demi said with a quivering smile.

"Long enough" I said rolling my eyes and stomping my way up the stairs to my room. It's not even that I'm mad that she's pregnant... it's the fact that she neglected to tell me about it when she found out.

I thought Demi and I were close, but I guess I thought wrong.

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